We have two Harbor Freights in town and neither carries the hand pumps in stock. I'm starting to obsess over making one of these vacuum chambers even while scared about getting it wrong and wasting money.
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />Wayne...I actually spent half an hour reading every single post on this site that had the word Nelsonite in it. In my reading, what I found were apocryphal references with few facts. What I proposed to Scott Knutsen is that I try a variety of woods in each of the three separate products that he thinks might be worth our while. I will lay out the test much as I layed out the test I recently did on kit parts. I will report back to this forum with the results. I explained to Scott K. that I would send him a copy, but that I would post the results here...good or bad. He was VERY comfortable with that idea.
This is not an attempt to lessen the value of anyone's opinion. You're opinion, as well as Tom Mullane's, are very much worth listening to. This is simply a test with a bit more structure in the reporting. If you have already gathered this data, I'd love to see it shared here. I will gladly call Scott back and let him know the results and that I do not feel further testing is necessary. Just let me know. Thanks! [8D]
Originally posted by pen-turners
<br />Am halfway through an experiment. Have a couple of Spalted Buckeye Burl blanks soaking in Minwax wood hardener with red dye added and will turn them in a few days. Will let everyone know the outcome good or bad. I also have a batch soaking in plexiglass acetone mixture and will compare the results.