Hi Tom, The anodizing is something that can scratch, so it's normally done down in grooves. It starts out as all anodized like that, then I have to sand it all off, leaving it in the grooves only.
Thanks for your input guys. Doghouse, if I could find some acrylic in a 1 1/4" diameter, I'd be able to do it in acrylic. Polyester would be a bit brittle, but acrylic would do nicely.
Bruce, as always I am amazed. To me the mokume version looks much more expensive than the anodized. I think the anadized is amazing but the mokume is more classy. I also prefer the cap to the base but I am used to carrying around a pen (which rules out a fountain pen anyway). On the serious high end pens you might want to consider selling them with both the base and a cap -- of course pricing accordingly.
Bruce, I think as a separate pen the anodized is really cool and like to get a lot of attention but as a side by side comparision I like the mokume. I think the anodized is better than the non-anodized version.