silmar 41

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Dec 20, 2014
Bellevue. Ohio
Anyone know of anyplace to order Silmar 41 in quarts or half gallons? I bought a gallon last year and used some but now it is hardened up in the can. Thanks Brian
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I do as John did and actually ordered from both places and great people to work with. Just check on shipping and if they sell quarts.
US Composites
Silmar 41 Clear Polyester Casting Resin
Cat No.SizePrice
SM-S410251 Quart$ 18.50
SM-S411001 Gallon$ 50.00
SM-S415005 Gallon$ 199.00
I've been interested in trying Silmar41 for clear casts.
1. I understand it vapors/smells. Is my wife going to be unhappy with casting in the house? If not, it'll have to wait until summertime.
2. Does it do well with casting feathers, abalone, etc?
3. Does it take color? What form? Good separation?
4. Open time?

Thanks for
#1 YES
#2 Ask John U.
#3 Yes. They have specific colorants but the use of powders from various vendors work well too.
#4 Depends on temps, amount of catalyst used, and products being cast.
#5 not asked, but pressure pot is a must.
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