Shop Disaster>>>

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I know I'm a little late, but I'm really sorry to hear about the water damage. Sounds like Allstate is doing a good job.

Several people have mentioned using WD-40. If you do, don't get it in to the motor. I was told that it will eat through the coating on the windings inside, ruining the motor. I don't have any first hand knowledge about this though.

Best of luck to you.
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Hey Everyone,

Thought it was time for an update:

I met with the insurance adjuster. He wasn't at all concerned about my contents, only the damage to the actual structure. He wrote up a very detailed list of the damages and put a very fair price on everything, then wrote me a check on the spot. I was very pleased with this part of the process. As far as the contents, he told me to have a qualified company come out and give me an estimate to inspect and service or repair the big machines. As for all the little tools and supplies, he gave me a form to fill out listing everything that was damaged , item by item along with their model #, serial #, date of purchase and original cost.

I spent a few hours going through everything and making up the list, then went on line and found prices for everything. I sent that in as well as an estimate from a Jet certified factory tech.

That Jet certified factory tech. was not so easy to get out to the shop. I found the company by doing a search on the Jet tools web site. There are only 2 listed within 100 miles of here. The first one I tied took 2 days and 3 calls to get a call back, then they never showed up or called again. The second one said the guy who worked on tools was out of town for 5 or 6 days and would call me when he got back. Well surprisingly, he did call and make an appointment to come check out my tools, but told me he worked on the mechanical parts of tools but wasn't much help with motors and wiring and such. (of course the motors and wiring and such are what I am most concerned with) When he left he said he would write up an estimate and fax it to me. He sent me an estimate hand written on his letterhead that stated "Supply labor to clean and inspect tools. $950.00" That was it! Of course the insurance company said they need more detail. I told them to contact him and if they weren't satisfied with that, they could find someone to come out. I am ready to get my check, put the shop back together and put this whole mess behind me!!!

I am still waiting to hear back from them. But the lady that is handling everything said she has the estimate worked up for my contents, she just needs her supervisor to review it. I guess that means they are going to calculate in depreciation an make me a lesser offer???

I will keep Y'all posted,
So far, so good. Thanks for the update and I am sure your experience, as bad as it was, will help others know what to expect in a similar event.
follow3. Hope your luck is better than mine when it comes to Allstate. Year before last, our mountain home was broken into. Lots of my tools, drill, nail gun, new recp saw, big set expensive Forstner bits, list goes on plus my wife's lap top [$800.00]. Over $3,200 & they wouldn't pay one cent more than $194.00. Depreciation. Most of the tools & some were new or almost new. Would have dropped them like a hot potato, but they're the only ones that will insure a mountain home in that area. Best of luck to you.
Latest Update:

I heard back from the insurance lady on Fri. afternoon. I should get a check very soon. They are paying full price for the estimate I had for someone to come clean, inspect and service all the big machines that were affected. As far as my list of items that were total loss, the are covering all of them except 2 (which were over $100 and require a service tech. report...which I am not going to get) They are only depreciating my total by $32.00.

I am very happy!!! I have already started cleaning tools. Of course the lathe was first and is up and running!!!

Beside cleaning and servicing machines, I also have to fix one wall, rebuild some work benches and generally clean up.

That is what I have to do to get back to where I was. I plan to use the opportunity to totally re-vamp the shop:

1. I am going to install T-111 on the main wall instead of repairing the drywall. Also T-111 on part of 2 other walls. (eventually T-111 on all walls)

2. Instead of re-building wood work benches attatched to the walls, I am going to use some nice steel benches from Lowe's that have steel legs, 4 steel drawers, a steel shelf underneath, a 1 1/8" MDF top, peg board backing and a shelf on top with a built in light and power bar. I found these at Lowe's marked down 50% for clearance. They are normally $159.99 and I got them for $79.50 each. I ran around to several stores and bought a total of 6 of them. They are made by Cobalt.

3. I am going to re-locate my air compressor and dust collector to an outside "closet". I will run air lines with quick connectors at all the main work stations. I am also going to re-work my cust collector ducts and locate them in the attic with drops coming down to blast gates at each tool. (presently I have all the ducts running along the floor)

4. I am going to replace my Jointer and drill press.

5. I am going to change my Jet Super Saw over to 220V and run a heavier guage wire to it on a dedicated 30 amp circuit.

6. I am going to install an "instant" hot water heater.

That is the bulk of it. I will get some before, during and after pics to post. And I will keep Y'all updated.

Steve you didn't mention anything about the central ait heatig and cooling being installed! :D

We are really happy about everything working out for you in the long run. I think you also owe the Mrs. a nice dinner out for getting the right insurance!

Mike & Linda
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