Segmenting with pick gaurd

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Jun 23, 2011
Plain City, OH
I have recently been segmenting with pic guard that I order from Grizzly. The piece I ordered is b/w/b and is .090" in thickness. It might not seem that thick but I have seen thinner stuff in use. The .090 stuff gets to be really thick when using it in a 3 piece sandwich. :)

On a couple of the Gisi pens that I really like I see that they have b/w ply pick guard that looks much thinner to me. Does anyone know where this can be obtained? I have looked but can't seem to find it. Most of the stuff is the same thickness as the grizzly stuff.

If you look at the Gisi pen in this discussion it looks like the thinner b/w that I am looking for:

Thanks for any help!!
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Pickguard can be purchased from guitar material suppliers suchas Warmoth. Google pickguard. The black and white comes in .06 sheets.
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I have recently been segmenting with pic guard that I order from Grizzly. The piece I ordered is b/w/b and is .090" in thickness. It might not seem that thick but I have seen thinner stuff in use. The .090 stuff gets to be really thick when using it in a 3 piece sandwich. :)

On a couple of the Gisi pens that I really like I see that they have b/w ply pick guard that looks much thinner to me. Does anyone know where this can be obtained? I have looked but can't seem to find it. Most of the stuff is the same thickness as the grizzly stuff.

If you look at the Gisi pen in this discussion it looks like the thinner b/w that I am looking for:

Thanks for any help!!

It is not pickguard. It is sheets of acylic that you can get to just about any size you want and then make up your own sandwich.

This is where I get mine
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The nice thing about the 0.90 pick guard is that you can get a table saw blade that very close to 0.90 which makes inserting segments for things like Celtic Knots very easy and accurate.
Ron; Craft Supply USA has Picguard Laminates that come it sets of 5 and are 3/32 X 1 X 5" In both a red tone and a yellow tone. $7.95. Or an assortment of 15 1 X 1" squares for $5.90. Page 137 fall/Winter catalog. #s 104-364, 104-794, or 104-365. 3/32s is the exact with of a thin saw blade. If you want larger, thinner sheets, or pearls, go to warmoth custom guitar parts. Jim S
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Check your local engraving,name tag, sign shop the two color stuff is the thinner version. It is a lot cheaper than what is sold as pic guard some of which is a different plastic formula that doesn't take well to adhesives.
The rotary engraving is generally available in thicker material, Laser in the thinner stuff colors choice is better.

It comes in 1/16" 1.6mm and up.
Thanks for all the replies and help. I found some evergreen Styrene sheets that are each .020 thick. I think two of those will look better than that larger pickgaurd for what I am doing. I just need to wait for them to arrive now. :)
Thanks for all the replies and help. I found some evergreen Styrene sheets that are each .020 thick. I think two of those will look better than that larger pickgaurd for what I am doing. I just need to wait for them to arrive now. :)

Ron just a little tip, make sure you sand both sides to give the glue some tooth. I use either 120 or 150 grit paper. Whichever is laying around at the time.
Mark Gisi sells his material- bought some at the Utah symposium. I recently called him using the phone no. on the bag- he doesn't have a Net presence at the moment. He's very friendly and helpful. I have a collection of his colours (quite a few combinations of colours and thicknesses, as well as single colours now) coming in the mail shortly.

I think we should do a group buy with him.
Mark Gisi sells his material- bought some at the Utah symposium. I recently called him using the phone no. on the bag- he doesn't have a Net presence at the moment. He's very friendly and helpful. I have a collection of his colours (quite a few combinations of colours and thicknesses, as well as single colours now) coming in the mail shortly.

I think we should do a group buy with him.

Get him to become more active here and we all would love to support him. :smile:
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