segmenting practice

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Dale Lynch

Dec 12, 2011
here's a pic of some practice barrels I've done.I'm not sure if I'll be able to figure out how to layout the bevel cuts so that they intersect the way I want when turned.On the mitre cut starburst I think I will omit the 75 and 90 degree cuts next time.


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It's so hard to visualize these thing until you have do a bunch of them. I still put some blanks together thinking they will come out one way then they come out different than I expected. One thing for sure the more you experiment the more you will be able to visualize, practice does make perfect. You have a very good start on those blanks.
My next one will be a starburst pattern but this time I'll wrap it farther around the barrel.I'm also gonna scallop the ends.I started on it today but screwed up the intersecting on the 3rd and fourth cuts so i get to start over.Hopefully I can get it done by mothers day.It will be my sons girlfriends first mothers day.
Dale; Not crazy about the first one color combination. The second one is excellent! The third could use some additional contrast. Maybe a light colored background to increase the contrast between the star burst and blank.
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