Segmented Maple Burl and Blood wood with a twist.

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Wow Mike !! Each pen you post is getting more and more fantastic !!
Excellent spacing too!!:good::good::good:
How did you cut the thin slots?
I cut them on my band saw it isn't a perfect fit but really doesn't need to be for this application. I have an even better one gluing up right now. Or at least I think it will be!
Now that one is worth a "Like" & a comment. Beautifully put together, the combination of woods works really well & the aluminum segmenting really sets it off. Great job imho!
ps the photo's not too shoddy either.
Looks very good Mike. What are you using as the infill material??? Did you make a jig for the bandsaw or are you freehanding this??? Thanks for showing.
Looks very good Mike. What are you using as the infill material??? Did you make a jig for the bandsaw or are you freehanding this??? Thanks for showing.

Hi John, great to see you on. I am free handing sort of. The fill s just CA. I cannot fit anything more in there. If I could have stuffed it with wood I would have. I am going to try the same thing with copper that is a bit tighter and see how it works when I get a minute.
Mike I wish you lived by me so you could teach me how to do the marvel's that you do. I just love your work and you are the first person I look for posts on this site each day.
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