See ya my friends

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That was scary. I am glad you are OK. Better check into changeing your Email and Facebook stuff. You or anyone else that runs into personal trouble and needs someone to talk to will always have someone here no matter what time of the day. Take care and go trun some more of beautiful pens.
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Hi all

Someone has been into my computer and wrote some crazy stuff here. I do suffer from PTSD and am on medication. I'v had visits from the police and my facebook page has been compromised. My family has also been in contact with me. This seems to be someone who knows me well. I don't have any intention of suicide etc. Thanks for all the concern and I am investigating this. All my passwords have been changed.
I will keep you posted.

Well, well Roger mate, you got my heart and blood pressure going a hundred miles an hour, last night...!

I can see now, that the 2 post were made from someone from the facebook account, there is someone in there that doesn't like you talking about your war experiences, and that has a very sick mind to come up with such an irresponsible act...!

I may have caused you some "unexpected" visits from the Police last night but, I knew who you were and had all your details tom use in this case. I apologise for any inconvenience but, I had to do what I had to do, based on the post here, in your name.

I'm over the moon that you are still with us and that, you will finish a few more pens and possibly will sell you some more. There are guys like you that keep me going and do what I do so, I'm glad that you didn't have any intentions to terminate your like in such a "tremendous" away...!

As for the dude that done this to you, the police has the link to your original thread/post and I hope that they will follow its origin and have this person's a$$ charged and punished, in all extent of the law, freaking idiots...!:mad:

So mate, lets forget this unfortunate incident, and carry on, you should show some of your pens here and spend some of your day making a new pen and name it, "false alarm", put in in a display and admire something that you wouldn't be able to, if that thread/post, had come from you...!

Be well, and take care...!

Best regards
Hearing that all is well is most definitely a great way to end my work day! This group is a family, and you never want to lose a family member! Escpecially in such a tragic way. The culprit who made the false posts is definitely deranged and needs to be dealt with appropriately.

I do find it to be great, the outpouring of care, concern and action demonstrated by our members here. That is just awesome!

God Bless,
Hi Roger!! Glad to see you are ok. I too have some rememnts of PTSD...wish i didn't. How about some pens and fun chat! Keep us informed as you are able and God bless!
Heaps of FRIENDS


I am so glad that you're alright and that this was some person's sick idea of a joke. Take care and please know that you have friends all over the world most of whom you've never met, but we still care about you.

Have a good week.


Thank you one and all. I am overwhelmed with surprize at how powerful the people of the IAP are. If I ever feel down, and I do suffer from sever depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I know where my one stop shop is going to be. All my mates of the IAP.
Thanks all for the concern.
Kind regards:bulgy-eyes::)
Roger. I am really glad that this resulted as I said in my previous post, in some kind of prank... sick and twisted, mind you.
Best wishes to you from the opposite side of the world!!!
Greatly relieved! Would have been hard to sleep tonight without that update. I think we got yet another glimpse of the goodness of humanity with the way people on this site joined in and the effort that some went to to try to have a happier outcome! Of course, then, there is the dark side represented by whatever jerk fomented this.
Boy oh boy...I am so gald this ended the way it did in stead of how it looked. I hopped on late and would have been extremely anxious seeing the post and not be able to do something.
Glad you are ok, now go after that SOB. He freaked out your family!!!
I am glad to read that nerve bending post has been found to be untrue. I have had this on my mind all day.

Roger, I also suffer from PTSD and take medication and understand what you say. I hope the police can find the scum that caused all this.

It is a blessing to hear you are alright.

I monitored this thread all day hoping for a good outcome. I have to say I was touched by seeing several folks step up and actively go out of their way to do something to help. Glad to see everything turned out ok and I salute the folks who stepped up to help.
And more reason this is the best on-line place to be. Again Roger...good to hear your "voice"...see you soon!
Roger I am so very pleased to be reading that your alright, I am sorry for contacting the police and sending them your way. But as you can rerad the posting it was meant to look as it did, and I couldn't just sit here and not do anything about it. I hope that it didn't or doesn't cause to many headaches for you. I don't know if my calling did any good or not, because ot took about a half hour to get through to them. I got an operator that wasn't of much assistance, so it took longer then it should have. If you ever do find the person who hacked into your accts of files, PLEASE give them a punch in the teeth for me. Because of what he thought was a joke, I didn't get a wink of sleep I was so upset and worried. Take care my friend.
Wow, I haven't been able to be on all day and that was quite the scare. Roger, I'm so very glad all is well! There are some real jerks in this world to do a thing like that!
I too was watching this all day hoping for good news, I am glad it turned out positive. I hope the SOB that did this to you gets what they deserve. I'm am genuinely impressed by the response and actions taken by the members here, this is truly a great place to be.

Hi all

Someone has been into my computer and wrote some crazy stuff here. I do suffer from PTSD and am on medication. I'v had visits from the police and my facebook page has been compromised. My family has also been in contact with me. This seems to be someone who knows me well. I don't have any intention of suicide etc. Thanks for all the concern and I am investigating this. All my passwords have been changed.
I will keep you posted.

Roger - Glad to hear you are OK. We want to keep you around.

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