SECOND Superbowl Pool

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Updated info

Attached here is the most up to date listing of names and squares.

There are only 11 squares left...better hurry

Good Luck
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Heck, put me down for another for a total of 3. How close are we?

you got it.....

this brings us to 92 total

If anyone sends me a PM for a squares, I ask them to post it on here so they are all where everyone can see them and all accounted for.

Good Luck to Everyone!
Put me down for one square int he second pool. this gets me in on both so the Superbowl will be twice as much fun this year right?
all squares up to this post are in.......

we are up to 97....3 left!

Good Luck To All!
Bob we go. Attached is the grid with the names - no numbers yet.

Not that it makes much difference other than to add a little variety
- I swapped the AFC/NFC from the first pool
- I swapped the quarters in the grid sectors

With their being some folks with multiple squares and most people don't place their names in the same row/column with regular in-person pools, I dropped the names into a bowl and drew the squares in row order. If someones name came up twice in the same row or column, I tossed it back in the bowl and drew again. Same with sectors except for those who have more than 4 squares.

If you see any problems, let me know before tonight which is when I will get someone to pick the numbers across the top and side.

Good Luck to Everyone!

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Final grid w/numbers pool #2

Here you go........
this is the final grid with numbers for POOL #2...

PLEASE NOTE: The sector quarters are not the same as the 1st pool nor are the AFC/NFC locations.

This pool is also missing the most important part - the Vikings! My life has no meaning now

Good Luck Everyone.....
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Bob, Thank you for all the effort you have gone to to get this together. The Superbowl has always been an Event in my house. something like an extra thanksgiving. it is not so much that any of us our sports fans as it is something that has sort of just happened. It will be nice to have this group included in that day if even just a little bit.
It really has been my pleasure and a lot of small way of saying thanks for all the great stuff I have learned here....even if the wrong team made it into the Superbowl !

Good Luck to everyone!
"even if the wrong team made it into the Superbowl"
You are, of course, speaking of the Panthers? Yeah, right! LOL.

Let me says thanks too, Bob. Since my team didn't have a prayers chance, it will be fun to root for the score and not just some random team! (I'm calling the Colts by 9, but we'll see).
Final score....

Hey Bob,
I don't want to sound greedy (I am but don't want to sound that way:biggrin:), but if I read the rules correctly, there will be 4 winners at the quarter only...
no overall winner at the final score???

BTW, thanks for doing this... it was a lot of work and you have more patience for this than I do...
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Hey Bob,
I don't want to sound greedy (I am but don't want to sound that way:biggrin:), but if I read the rules correctly, there will be 4 winners at the quarter only...
no overall winner at the final score???

BTW, thanks for doing this... it was a lot of work and you have more patience for this than I do...

In view of this being more for fun, not for $$$, I decided not to do the 20-20-20-40% typical pool split. This way everyone shares equally...
Good Luck to Everyone
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