Rockler Pens & Bushing List

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Oct 27, 2016
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Hello all,
I don't get to come here often so please forgive my in-frequent visits :)
Is like to get my pen kits at the local Rockler store but their pen part numbers, descriptions and Bushing numbers are Rockler's own. Is there a list referencing their pens compared to the IAP Bushing & Tubes list?
Thank you all
Can I use the IAP list to find Rockler (or PSI) bushings & Tubes?
Thanks again
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Sammy; Rockler appears to be a Berea re-seller. Many re-sellers "relabel" their pens to make it appear pens are unique to them, but the truth is there are only 2, 3? pen manufacturers. Some sellers create their own designs in co-ordination with the manufacturers.

Check out the Tubes N' Bushings app available on Ios and Android.

Hope this helps.
Sammy; Rockler appears to be a Berea re-seller. Many re-sellers "relabel" their pens to make it appear pens are unique to them, but the truth is there are only 2, 3? pen manufacturers. Some sellers create their own designs in co-ordination with the manufacturers.

Check out the Tubes N' Bushings app available on Ios and Android.

Hope this helps.
Thank you Randy :)
That was stupid of me not to check on that list. Yes they are there :)
Thank again
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