Rockler Drill Guide Demo

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I have had drill guides similar to that for about 50 years and did not use them daily or weekly, but when I needed them, they were very handy. I really liked the look and function of the Rockler one. Thanks for posting.
I have been tempted to get one of those occasionally, but when I need to drill something that I can't take to the drill press, I use Big Gator drill guides along with my hand drill. So far they have been working pretty good. There are times though I wish I had something like that Rockler set up.

I am just spoiled - before I retired one of my departments did equipment design and fabrication. They had a portable electromagnetic drill press that was great whenever accurate 90-degree holes were needed. Sometimes I really miss having access to all of the tools and expertise in the engineering departments and machine shops. - Dave
I have seen the Rockler drill press guide, and it looks like a useful tool. That drill press guide sells for $189 at Rockler, before you start buying expensive accessories for it. That is asking a lot of money for what you get. I am not even remotely interested at that price. I will get by with the several different basic drill guides that I collected over the years (mostly for doweling), or making my own as needed from a scrap piece of 2x4.

For the record, I replaced (upgraded) my old drill press a couple years ago. I bought a used, but newer, larger, more horsepower, and overall better drill press - for $80.

Rockler has a convenient store near my home, so I shop at Rockler. What bothers me about Rockler proprietary products are price and sometimes build quality. I especially dislike how Rockler uses delicate, moisture-sensitive MDF in their sleds and jigs instead of plywood or some other high quality and more durable material, yet charges a high price for those gadgets, too.
I hate you guys...each and everyone of you. I ordered the Guide with the vise. Thanks made me do it.
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