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Jan 4, 2013
Chesapeake, VA
Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
Was wondering if I could bring a map and have people put push pins for their location?

Sounds like a good idea, but it's going to need to be a pretty big map. We will have at least 3 countries represented that I know of so far. I think our Farthest Award is going to be hard to beat this year...LOL.
Just heard from Barry Gross of Arizona Silhouette fame and he will be joining us. Barry will participate in the marketing panel discussion Friday night and have a vendor table.
Hey Pete, Marla bringing anything pretty?..........besides you. :biggrin:Harry

Aside from herself...... nope. Remember we are flying in from Canada and your customs guys would ding the hell out of us if we bring stuff, if they even let us bring anything in the first place. They wouldn't want us to tke away American jobs you know. :rolleyes: She might be sending some "anything prettys" in advance though. :wink:
Hey Pete, Marla bringing anything pretty?..........besides you. :biggrin:Harry

Aside from herself...... nope. Remember we are flying in from Canada and your customs guys would ding the hell out of us if we bring stuff, if they even let us bring anything in the first place. They wouldn't want us to tke away American jobs you know. :rolleyes: She might be sending some "anything prettys" in advance though. :wink:

I'll be saving a few extra dollars then:wink:

Just booked our room :biggrin:

More blog profiles have been added about Roy Robaldo from (vendor) and Fred and I (vendors / planning committee) from

Fred Wissen will be demonstrating clear casting and Roy and I will be part of the Marketing your Pens Group Discussion Panel, along with Alan Shaw and Barry Gross, who I'm sure will be sending me a profile soon!

I can't believe it's the end of March already...Mid-Atlantic Penturners Gathering will be here in just a few short weeks. For those new to MAPG (Virginia), we should have the rest of the blog profiles up in the next couple of weeks, so keep checking Mid-Atlantic Penturners Gathering 2014 - MAPG 2014 for all the updates about our event schedule, vendors, demonstrators, and sponsors!
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