Ed, I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not going to hire one to go over the rules for a contest on an online forum. I'm sorry for my lack of ability to clearly account for every possible interpretation of the rules as they are.
I included this line:
We do not want the images to be identifiable as the entrant, by name, logo, etc.
at the time as it seemed like the easiest, shortest, and clearest way to state that we do not want anything in the photo to scream out the identity of the photographer. I realize very well that this is a limiting factor in what you can do with the photo, but it is pretty clear if you look around, that there are MANY examples of fantastic Marketing Photos that do not include any identifiable marks (if you don't trust me, look through Exotic's Guest Artist Section and note how often there is something IN THE PHOTO identifying anything at all, let alone the guest artist. Maybe you can see the name stamped on the underside of the clips, but I cannot...)
Based on the original intent of the rules, the photos in your linked threads of Toni's blanks with the pouches would certainly have qualified, if you were the photographer, They would not have qualified if Toni was the photographer. Based on the revisions, they do not qualify for either of you. The image on Exotics would not qualify for a number of reasons...
The photos at the end of the contest will be voted on by the general IAP community, as that was a key piece of feedback we got from last year's bash. As such, I will have no say on what people think when they cast their votes. The thread will state (as clearly as I am able) the goals of the contest, but there is not going to be any way to list specific intentions or desired use of the photos. Photos will be judged as they stand. You are free to leave space for things to be added at a later time, but I cannot guarantee that the general population will understand that. I very much do not want this to be a "show off your pen" contest, and have been actively pushing people to do more with staging sets and scenery, but it has to be done within the restrictions of the contest.
This is a Marketing Photography contest, not a Marketing Contest, not a Advertisement Campaign Contest. Just Photos, Photos alone, and it's supposed to be fun.