Quick CSUSA Group Buy

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Order has been placed and confirmed that all items were in stock. Should ship to me on Monday. I'll post when I receive the box.
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Received an email that FedEx has the package from CSUSA. Should arrive Thursday. I'll try and get all orders boxes and shipped by Saturday.
We also received an additional 13% club discount on everything. I will make all refunds after I get everything in the mail.
Hey Mannie -

I have a great idea - please donate any savings coming my way to the IAP. It'll be painless for me; the money has already been spent.

Thank you.

Looks like FedEx isn't any more reliable that UPS. Tracking the package it told me it was on the truck out for delivery and here it is almost 7PM and it ain't here yet.
They probably dropped it at the post office so you have to go get it there. I have had to do that a couple times with UPS. And the guy drives right by my house right after he leaves the post office. Whats with that? I asked the lady at the PO and she just gave me a dumb stare.
All orders have been sorted boxed and mailed. I checked the orders twice, but you know that does not necessarily mean anything as I had 1 kit left over. If you are missing a kit and can tell me which one it is, I'll forward it to you.

This afternoon I'll figure everyone's additional discount we received and refund that along with any excess from your shipping and refund it to your PP account tomorrow, or if you prefer, I'll send it to Jeff as a donation to IAP.
I'll be posting the refunds shortly.
First I want to make everyone aware of a mistake on the spreadsheet.....it did not add in the price of the extra tubes. I went ahead and deducted this from the extra 13% discount we received so it's actually not costing you any more, just a smaller refund for those that ordered extra tubes.
The refund was calculated like this -
13% of the kit and bushing amount minus 87% of the tube cost (if you bought extra tubes) plus any amount left from the $10.95 shipping (my shipping cost was $10.50 for most that went out in the medium FR box).
After the refunds are made, there was $66.21 left. I'll forward this to Jeff for IAP.
I'll be posting the refunds shortly.
First I want to make everyone aware of a mistake on the spreadsheet.....it did not add in the price of the extra tubes. I went ahead and deducted this from the extra 13% discount we received so it's actually not costing you any more, just a smaller refund for those that ordered extra tubes.
The refund was calculated like this -

13% of the kit and bushing amount minus 87% of the tube cost (if you bought extra tubes) plus any amount left from the $10.95 shipping (my shipping cost was $10.50 for most that went out in the medium FR box).
After the refunds are made, there was $66.21 left. I'll forward this to Jeff for IAP.
Man I feel stooopid. It didn't work out right earlier this afternoon, now it is, don't know what I was thinking. Looks like I owe those that bought tubes a little more back. I'll get to it shortly.
Manny -

The order arrived in today's mail. Everything ordered was in the box so the additional kit ain't mine.

I appreciate you doing this and allowing me another opportunity to have the beloved wife look at me and ask "Another box?"

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