Group Buy Coordinator
Order has been placed and confirmed that all items were in stock. Should ship to me on Monday. I'll post when I receive the box.
WOW.....43lbs of pen kits, That musta been a sizable order.
Man I feel stooopid. It didn't work out right earlier this afternoon, now it is, don't know what I was thinking. Looks like I owe those that bought tubes a little more back. I'll get to it shortly.I'll be posting the refunds shortly.
First I want to make everyone aware of a mistake on the did not add in the price of the extra tubes. I went ahead and deducted this from the extra 13% discount we received so it's actually not costing you any more, just a smaller refund for those that ordered extra tubes.
The refund was calculated like this -
13% of the kit and bushing amount minus 87% of the tube cost (if you bought extra tubes) plus any amount left from the $10.95 shipping (my shipping cost was $10.50 for most that went out in the medium FR box).
After the refunds are made, there was $66.21 left. I'll forward this to Jeff for IAP.