Holz Mechaniker
My wife and I like the PSI sculpted a lot and have sold a bunch. But, we have had two instances where the coupler for the lower barrel slips. I have used a little CA for both and it works well. From what I read above, I will switch to red Loctite to ensure that the components will fit together tightly and I will still be able to disassemble when needed.
I will keep using the sculpted pen, just too good.
NO you won't be able to disassemble if you use Red Loctite. the only way is to use heat. and LOTS of it.
A kid in my sons Auto Shop Class put red loctite on his lugs... needless to say when my son told me that I just about poo'd myself from laughing.. Once I collected myself I explained that he will have to torch them to cherry red to get them off so he best pray that he never gets a flat.