I have not been able to read every single post yet. But I do so very much appreciate everyone. Tim (Tanner) Give your Wife and yourself a hug from me. Okay ask your wife to give you the hug from me you will enjoy it more that way.
As for being the point person for Mom. Yes there are many reasons I was chosen and I was not anything like a last choice.
Just some info I would like to share, The battle with cancer is four fold.
Obviously there is the physical, which is dealt with mostly by others with surgery and medication. but still there is much the patient can do in the way they eat and exorcise and learn to stay aware of there energy levels and that sort of thing. plenty of rest when they are tired and plenty activity when they need it.
Not so well known is the importance of three other factors.
Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. These three individually are as important if not more important than the actual physical treatment. and as a group easily comprise 75% of the battle. for the most part they are actually the entire battle as far as the person with cancer is concerned. Since not many cancer patients can actually preform surgery on themselves. but they can find a peaceful safe place to be as they make decisions concerning treatment. When they are afraid they can seek comfort. when they are confused or overwhelmed they can find guidance. that sort of thing. A victim of cancer can and should feel certain and confident in what is going on to a large degree. They should trust their doctors, they should believe they are taking the correct path, they should feel informed as much as they desire to be. ANd above all they should always feel safe.
As you can all imagine laying on a gurney in a hospital for 5 hours is not the best place to become relaxed. But yesterday when they came to take my mom to surgery that is exactly what she had just done. She was sleeping. Not a sleep because she was trying to avoid the wait, neither one of us felt like we had been waiting. but a sleep where she had just dozed off because she was actually relaxed and peaceful. Even I was amazed and I already know what a powerful team my mother and I are.
We talked and laughed and basically had a wonderful time when she was awake. She took some Anxiety medication just before they took her for an Xray, and she gets very comical when on that stuff. when she came back it eventually wore off and we had a good couple of hours together before they came to get her. I was by her side in recovery nearly 5 hours later. I think that was the only part fo the day that really gave me a kick in the chest. She was really cold like her body did not want to work right becasue of the anastesia. She was in a lot of pain but as the anastesia faded away she became warmer and the pain began to fade. it is something new I learned about my mom. She seldom need pain meds, but is always complaining a lot about pain when she comes out of surgery. I now know why.
Anyway I was at the hospital until midnight last night and am now on my way back. She should come home today.
As far as any diagnosis at this point.
All biopsies of lymph nodes are negative for cancer. and there is also no indication that the mass was spreading, no roots or tenticals of any kind. That is as good as we could expect the news to be.
Please keep sending the prayers they are working. There has been a blessing on both of us of peace as well as strength. we are not being physically taxed at this point and that can be nothing but a miracle. We also both notice a blessing in regard to tha passage of time. even though we have had periods of waiting that have lasted hours. neither one of us have any feeling that we have been waiting for so long at all. Mom and I are able to talk about anything and everything and pass many hours that way.
We are actually very very good friends and have been through a few things that most people will never have to face. I pray no one has to face.
Thank you all for your comments, I started writing this as I was waiting for my wife and children to get up and around. the house is starting to come alive so I need to get moving myself.
Thank You all not only from myself but from my mother as well.