PITH Photos

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Below is the pen for JayDevin. It is Tamo wood or Japanese Ash. It is the wood that is often labeled Mokume. SO Jay, You have the original and REAL Mokume!

The photo is a little washed out because the wood is so blond looking. The natural heart wood is more golden. That pen is part heart wood and part sap wood, with the sapwood being what is seen below. The heartwood is only a little darker.

It is on the way as this is being written.



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This is the pen I received from rdunn12 (Ron), I'll let him describe it:

"The kit is a Euro with a roller clip.Yes I casted the blank.I wanted a see thru blue that was'nt too see thru if you know what I mean. "

Very happy with the pen Ron, my picture doesn't really do it justice. It has a great finish and has real depth to it. Thank you very much.



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This is for Scribblesticks. A closed end gold titanium Gentleman rollerball made from Cocobolo I got from Bill Jacob (ilikewood) a couple years ago. It's finished with 10-15 coats of Unaxol. It will be going in the mail on Monday.
This is my picture of the pen I made for Bruce119, Bruce. It's made from Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana).

Let's use the new photo album category for PITH photos.

Even if you've already posted your photo here, how about uploading it with a to/from and description to the photo album in the summer 2008 PITH category.
OK, I just tried to upload the photo to the PITH album and got this message

"Sorry, gerryr: No Item or Item is Now in Moderation Queue - Check Back Later "
Here are some pictures I took of the pen I got from CSue. It came with this very nice leather case. The wood is very special and very attractive in person a little difficult to capture the beauty in a photogragh. Cathy also shared this wonderful story of her childhood experience with herself and her Dad. How he loved plants & trees and pointed out all the different trees by name. She wrote about how beautiful this Pear (Pyrus calleryana) tree is when it blooms in the spring to when it's leaves turn bright red in the fall. I know this is a very special wood to her and her memories of her father.

Thank you Cathy for sharing your story with me. That makes this pen so much more special. The two page story I got will stay with the pen in a special place in my house.

Thank you again



I wanted to make another post my partner tmhawk probably thinks I stuck him. Sorry but it's coming it will go out tomorrow Monday. You should get by Wednesday I will post pictures when I am sure you have it I don't want to spoil the surprise. I hope it is worth waiting for.

Bruce :bananen_smilies035: :bananen_smilies104:
Oh my gooooodness! Christian Thayer sent me the most gorgious closed ended fountain pen and I'm still trying to decide whether to cry from sheer joy, or just stare at it! LMAO!! I'll post pics later....

But for now, I have a question because I am dying to try it! How do you load the ink cartridge? the cartridge that it had in it when it arrived has a twist plunger....the cartridges that have ink in them don't have plungers on them and the empty one that came in the pen has one.

Yes, I'm blonde...LOL!!

The pen arrived today. It is a closed end baron fountain pen....and it is a gorgeous one. The shape of the closed end barrel is excellent and feels great in hand. The finish is top shelf ....a great shine and no sanding marks. The finish appears to be CA. The wood may be lacey sheoak(I think) which is one of the woods we discussed. We'll wait for Fred to tell us more about the pen and post a picture...

Thank you very much Fred for a great addition to my pen collection. Tell me more about the finish ... And thanks also for the pen blanks...they will make really beautiful pens.

Do a good turn daily!

My pen to its_virgil was sent today. Will put up pictures when he receives it.
Here's the pics so that you can see what I'm talking about, with the cartridges and such.

Anyone know how to do this?

(isn't it gorgious??!!!)


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Glad you like it Don, this was only my second closed end pen, it is a different ball park!

Kit is Chrome Baron, timber is Jarrah and finish is 20 coats of thin CA.

I put on 10 coats the dry sand 3240 & 400, wet sand to 2000, then another 10 coats, then same sanding procedure, then wheel buff with White Diamond.

Glad you liked the blanks.



(Edit: I'd forgotten how to do the insert from album bit, so inserted thumnails, then brushed up on the insert form album, so here are both:rolleyes:)


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Received my PITH exchange pen from Jared Schmidt the other day and just now getting around to posting it. This is an awesome pen Jared! I really like it and you did an EXCELLENT job on it! Love the wood and perfect match to the pen!



OH and BTW... Bobby....(BMAC) Your pen is finished and will be sent out tomarrow!
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My pen from The Oklahoman arrived today... what a georgeous thing it is.. Roy said he didn't get a picture before it left... I'll have my light tent up Wed or Thurs after I finish a few things for this Friday and will post a picture....
BigShed, how do the cartridges work in these beautiful fountain pens?

They work exactly the same as in a standard FP, it uses the same tube thus has the same space inside. BTW, I am not a big fan of cartridges, particularly the ones supplied with the kits. They tend to dry out quickly and don't write all that well to begin with.

In my own FP (a Sterling Silver Churchill given to me by a friend) I use a converter with Schaeffer Skrip Ink.

The day I was given this pen I caught this dreadful pen turning disease!:eek:
Here are my pens From Skiprat,,,,

Some of you have been waiting for this. I know I have been. These are the "pens" Skiprat, AKA Steven, sent me for the PITH trade.

Steven, if you see this, please explain what they are, mainly the custom one. I cant do it Justis with words. They are both beautiful. Perfect fit and finish. Just fabulous!!!

I hit the lottery on this PITH. Please don't all of you be jealous, the drawing was fair and square.:biggrin:



GoodTurns to FSTEPANSKI PITH 2008

Lacquer dipped Mesquite Jr Gent from GoodTurns to FSTEPANSKI, PITH 2008. Hope you enjoy it and use it well!
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Elk antler pen for PITH

Here is the pen I made for Ralph for the PITH. I hope he likes it. Made from a shed Elk antler found in the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico by my cousin. A modified slimline pen kit using the Elk horn, native NM Walnut with Bloodwood accents and a turned center band. Hardware is Gunmetal kit. Finished using EEE followed by Shellawax friction polish.

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I picked up my Pen today from Hank Lee.

The Photo does not do the Pen Justice!
It is the Most wonderful pen that I have ever seen!

Thank you Hank!
thank you LanceD for all the work!
I finally got around to cleaning the camera and taking a few photos. Here is the pen I received from onewaywood. Cool cigar great figure in the wood and a fine finish. Still trying to learn how to take a photograph.


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PITH from Janet Smith

Here is the pen I received from Janet Smith. I told her I wanted a blk tn Baron RB in Blackwood or ebony with pink roses, she nailed it perfectly. Sounds like an unusual request from guy, but a pen with Janets painting arent just for girls. I assure you, until you've held one and seen the stunning artistry, you wont really appreciate it. There is no texture, the body is perfectly smooth, just as perfect as the fit. I dont understand how she does it, with the depth and brilliant color she uses.. This lady is an exceptional pen maker and I am proud to have it in my collection. My wifes eyes lit up when she saw it...I know that look, so I hid it swiftly.
Thanks Janet, and if you have better photos, feel free to add them to the post as mine dont do justice.


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Note to Janet...

The photos that OOBAK posted are GORGIOUS! I can definately see why his wife's eyes lit up! You are INDEED extremely talented.....

Received a beautiful pen today

I received a beautiful Amboyna burl Euro pen today from Shirley "Sawdustier". The finish is perfect. I wish I could share it with you but my camera is DOA. Shirley if you have a picture please post it. Thanks very much for the pen and the beautiful packing material!!
This is the pen I made for tmhawk. He got it today so I can post some pictures. First a little story he told me how his son is into building computer games and he himself built his own computer. So it was an easy choice for me a circuit board pen. Not just any circuit board pen this board comes from an X-Box. As you can see in the photos below I show both sides of the board marked where the pen came from. I even took the X-Box chip off and sent it to him (maybe a bottle stopper). Not much else to say but he said he was happy. That is the satisfaction I get knowing I made some one happy. :wink:







I'm late in posting but I got my pen from Ron Hampton last week. It looks to me to be a very nice homebrew of black with fine red lines thoughout it. I'm not familar with the style Ron used but I'm sure he'll chime in with that info. Thanks Ron!
Calling VANTOO..

... Just wanting to know if you received your PITH pen. I sent it almost a couple weeks ago and am concerned that it never made it to you.

PM me or e-mail me if you see this.

I received my PITH pen from Lance today and I'm so thrilled with it. It's a beautiful FP, but I'll let him post the picture. I can't wait to try it out. Thank you so much Lance!!! :biggrin:
Got my PITH today

I got my PITH from Tom-cigarman today. It's a closed end Baron made of Padauk with a knot inlay and bands on the cap. It has replaced my own cigar as my desk pen. Thanks Tom, it's a beauty. Tom also included some blanks as a bonus. Thanks again Tom.
pith from louie

This is the pen i recieved today from Louie.Unfortunately my digital camera is broke(so is louie's ) so i had to scan pics of the pen. Does not do it justice. An amboyna burl, gold Baron rollerball:the fit and finish is excellent .For someone only at this for 4 months i think he's coming along quick.:wink:He also included 2 corian blanks and some stabilized(by himself) paduak and curly maple(crosscut). Beautiful blanks and beautiful pen. Thanks Louie.pith amboyna.JPGpith amboyna2.JPG
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I was very happy to find this on my doorstep when I got home tonight, a very nice Jr Gent in Snake Beam, from MITCHM. I have not tried this wood, but will get to, thanks to the extra blank he included! ManyThanks for a beautiful pen!
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