Is that what they call a butt ugly picture?
Well I was not sure if Roy wanted the public praise he deserves, so I had not posted previously about this. Now that it has become public, I want to give out a big Thank YOU!!! Within minutes of hearing about Keith's family, he contacted me offering to handle Keith's part of the exchange and making sure that Keith received his pen, Roy made sure to work that out with Keith's partner. Roy, it is people like you that make this place what it is and part of why I spend so darn much time on here. Thanks again,Here is the PITH I received from Roy (Oklahoman) who filled in for Keith. Keith, I did not get any pictures of the pen I sent you. Roy sent me a Jr. Gent in Florentine Gold. It's quite a stunning pen. Thanks to everyone involved with this years PITH, it was a lot of fun.
You are all welcome, :wink: keep the photos coming as the swaps are completed. On a side note: why does everyone spell my name with an E, ever since grade school it has been that way. Sometimes I wish my parents had just named me Scott, Bill, or something else simple.
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here's my pen, received yesterday, from foamcapt40. It's very it corian?
Thanks for the opportunity, and special thanks to Landon for heading it up. it was a lot of fun.
Sorry I have taken so long to get a pic made. My pen from Manny arrived before Christmas, along with some very nice blanks. The pen is a gold titanium long click dressed up with koa, buckeye burl and acrylic from EB. The pic is not so great, but the pen surely is. A new years resolution is to work on taking pictures. Thanks Manny and everyone here. I have nothing but good things to say about IAP!
I received the most beautiful pen from my PITH partner, Larry AKA Larry in Harrow.
Please look at the photos posted in the 2009 pith album his potography skills are far better than mine:redface: and are only exceeded by his turning skills. :biggrin:The pen is awesome. some of the particulars are:
This pen is turned from Holly and decorated with end segments of green and red Birch and Maple with blood wood were also used for the celtic knots. All 22 pieces were inlaid by hand No laser involved. the finish is Target Oxford superclear 6 coats buffed out on a Beall system mounted on a Rodium & 22K Gold Junior Gent Rollerball. Please take time to look at the pictures you will not have wasted your time! Thanks again Larry that pen will always be close to me! (I don't want my kids to take it, they love it too!)
I almost forgot included with this beautiful pen was "Packing material" of 4 beautiful spalted crabapple tree blanks lots of color and figure...nicest packing material I have ever seen!:biggrin:
I received the most beautiful pen from my PITH partner, Larry AKA Larry in Harrow.
Please look at the photos posted in the 2009 pith album his potography skills are far better than mine:redface: and are only exceeded by his turning skills. :biggrin:The pen is awesome. some of the particulars are:
This pen is turned from Holly and decorated with end segments of green and red Birch and Maple with blood wood were also used for the celtic knots. All 22 pieces were inlaid by hand No laser involved. the finish is Target Oxford superclear 6 coats buffed out on a Beall system mounted on a Rodium & 22K Gold Junior Gent Rollerball. Please take time to look at the pictures you will not have wasted your time! Thanks again Larry that pen will always be close to me! (I don't want my kids to take it, they love it too!)
I almost forgot included with this beautiful pen was "Packing material" of 4 beautiful spalted crabapple tree blanks lots of color and figure...nicest packing material I have ever seen!:biggrin: