Pith 2009 is underway!!!! Lets have some fun!

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There is something suspicious about two consecutive posts from people in Chester,VT.

It's a conspiricy! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
What the heck

I think I won't embarass myself at this point.:redface:

Count me in for group 1 (if I read that correctly...the not an expert pen guild member type)


Great idea....thanks for the work invovled!
I'll be happy to do one in each group and International is no prob:wink:

Edit in; Ooops!!!! I didn't read the Edit at the bottom of the page Landon:redface:

Please put me in for a swap in Group 1
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I'll be happy to do one in each group and International is no prob:wink:

Edit in; Ooops!!!! I didn't read the Edit at the bottom of the page Landon:redface:

Please put me in for a swap in Group 1

Well I was wondering if I put myself in the wrong group, but if Skiprat's group 1, I'm more like group 1/3!
LOL Big Guy:biggrin: Perhaps I might be in group 2 experience-wise :confused:, but I would like to do a swap with someone in group 1. Many of my favourite swap pens have come from folks that believe they aren't that good. :biggrin:
LOL Big Guy:biggrin: Perhaps I might be in group 2 experience-wise :confused:, but I would like to do a swap with someone in group 1. Many of my favourite swap pens have come from folks that believe they aren't that good. :biggrin:
As explained in the OP, this is an fine example of why I did not want to pick which group to put anyone. There have been other posts in which I was a bit surprised to see which group some have put themselves. Each will have there own reason(s) for the choices they make. No one here should question their choices, and one of the great things about the IAP is just that. More often than not generousity and kindness win out over all the rest. TY all who have signed up so far. Now go out and get more folks involved. There are still 3 weeks to get folks involved and The more involved the more fun(and maybe wok for me :eek:) it will be. Lets close out 2009 with a bang by making this exchange one of the best ever. We can then move on to 2010 and look forward to many other events and opportunities to learn and grow. :peace:
Add me

Put me in group 1. I only dream to be in group 2 unless some one wants to be paired with me to show me the ropes:biggrin::biggrin:.
I wasn't going to get into this because of my show schedule this fall, but since most got canceled due to the surgery, I guess I can participate. I've been at it long enough probably could work in group 2.... but I've seen some of the work of those guys and to keep from embarrassing myself--

Sign me up for Group 1 - don't have any problem with international... got a couple of great pens from friends from down under.
Lets establish a record!

Currently there are 94 participants signed up, which is great :) (especially in only a few days of sign-ups). I Just wanted to throw out there my own personal goal is to get 200 involved (why I want to put myself through that I have no Idea :eek:). I don't think I will have the time to go recruiting as much as I would like so I am asking all of you who are in or plan to get in to talk with your online friends and get them to join with you. :wink: I don't know if there is an "official" record for PITH participants so I guess I just want to establish that this year. I read a post from last year about 179 participants so I figure if I get to 200, we will claim 2009 as the record and challenge anyone to beat it in the future. :biggrin: Thanks in advance for your help.
Landon, if it will help you reach your 200 count, please add Ed and myself in.

Two separate entries...but we can not get each other in the swap!!:eek::rolleyes: Group 1 or 2, which ever one you need.
Add me to group 1 please.
My wife said I need an excuse to make another pen. It's been so long she is thinking I can't do it anymore. But I have a lot of irons in the fire right now so I will limit my liability by going in group 1.
if I can...add our names to Group one... Hubby (Andy) is starting out too, but hasn't joined IAP officially.... but if adding two "breaks the rules", then just put me down for Group 1...

How exciting.
For now you are in. Sign ups are still for almost 3 weeks, get him to join "officially" and have him post here and I'll get him included.
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