I'm in, I'll have Alton show me how to fake a group 2.:wink:
I'll be happy to do one in each group and International is no prob:wink:
Edit in; Ooops!!!! I didn't read the Edit at the bottom of the page Landon:redface:
Please put me in for a swap in Group 1
As explained in the OP, this is an fine example of why I did not want to pick which group to put anyone. There have been other posts in which I was a bit surprised to see which group some have put themselves. Each will have there own reason(s) for the choices they make. No one here should question their choices, and one of the great things about the IAP is just that. More often than not generousity and kindness win out over all the rest. TY all who have signed up so far. Now go out and get more folks involved. There are still 3 weeks to get folks involved and The more involved the more fun(and maybe wok for me ) it will be. Lets close out 2009 with a bang by making this exchange one of the best ever. We can then move on to 2010 and look forward to many other events and opportunities to learn and grow. eace:LOL Big Guy:biggrin: Perhaps I might be in group 2 experience-wise , but I would like to do a swap with someone in group 1. Many of my favourite swap pens have come from folks that believe they aren't that good. :biggrin:
I'm in group 1. Maybe it should be group.5.
Mine are mostly all members, I do however NOT see some of them signed up :frown:, I'm working on that. :devil:Pretty much all my penmaking friends are... well... here.