Piano Keyboard Pen Blank - 3D Effect!

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
I made this blank for Fred Borden at Paramount Pen. When I pulled it from the mold I noticed the keyboard had a 3D look to it. Fred was nice enough to send me a photo of the completed pen and I'm really happy with the result.
Piano Keyboard Pen.jpg

I modified the image a little bit (the side you can't see on the original is different) and will be producing these blanks soon.


Thanks for looking! :)
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Did you plan the 3D effect or did it surprise you? Looks great!

It surprised me. It's the clear resin that really brought it out. Once I had cast the blank I looked at the original image and there is a very slight 3D appearance to it that I hadn't noticed before but once under resin, it became really pronounced.
Hummmmmmmmmmmmm, I can't find any "Like" button to acknowledge the replies. So to all of you above, "LIKE"
Hummmmmmmmmmmmm, I can't find any "Like" button to acknowledge the replies. So to all of you above, "LIKE"

Mike, I am a moderator on woodworking forum and everyone there has the ability to quote INSIDE of someones post - except me. That "Inside the Quote box" reply icon is not there on my computer. Send a note to Jeff if your posts continues to exclude the "like" icon.
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