Out of surgery and resting,

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Dec 18, 2005
Bullhead City, Az., USA.
Hi All,
Surgery went well yesterday. Was home by noon. In bed all day. So sore I couldn't move. Slept all night. Up this morning, feeling much better. Still sore ribs and ab muscles. That'll happen when a doctor digs around in your inerds. Feeling better each hour. Ate some toast and a Popsicle. Laying watching TV.

Thanks soooooo much for the support and words of encouragement. This "Family" continues to amaze me. Thank You. More in a day or two.
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Steve, good news, take good care. And no more heavy lifting!

Well feller, the bad part's over with now. Just take it easy for awhile. How ya feeling? Don't go trying to chase the LOML around the place just yet. Just kick back & read the forum & dream of what the next fancy pen is gonna look like. Good luck & fast recovery.
I'm glad to hear that the surgery went well and that you're recovering. Remember to rest and take it easy and know that you are in our prayers.

Jim Smith
Just went through this not 2 weeks ago. You'll be back at it in no time. I am going to make it back into the shop by Friday I think
Thank you all. Had some pizza a while ago. Then took a little nap. Feeling better all the time.
Hoping to be on my feet enough to be in the shop "this weekend". Tuesday all of my new toys came and I'm anxious to play with them. I used my sales money over the holidays to pick up some jigs for my Scheppach Tiger 2000. Got a long knife jig, and gouge jig and a flat tool rest. All Jet stuff. Real nice quality too. The long knife jig holds the knives super tight. Haven't tried the gouge jig yet. Next to pick up will be diamond truing jig and maybe the profiled leather wheel.

Anyway, thanks for all the prayers and support. You folks are the greatest. I made a point of crawling in a couple of times just to see what you all had to say.

Ganna watch some TV and find a snack.
good to hear all is well. enjoy the pain pills, and take it easy. It's much better to recover completely the first time than to try and repeat a recovery....
Glad to hear you're doing well... I have an umbilical hernia just above the navel that I need to get fixed in the near future... I've learned the hard way that you shouldn't use your belly as a brace for that long pole thingy you use to trim tree limbs.
I've been there too, the thing to watch for is in a couple of weeks when you are feeling pretty froggy and decide that "yea, that doc said don't lift anything over 10 pounds, but what the heck, I'll just move this one thing over there"...

Best wishes on the recovery, seemed that after 3-4 days the worst was over, and it was just a matter of not overdoing.

Have a "Tight" New Year.

Take it easy!! Been there, had that. See the note above about feeling froggy in a few days and thinking the doctor PROBABLY is just being cautious....HE'S NOT, DON't LIFT IT, MOVE IT, PUSH OR PULL IT. In fact DON'T EVEN TOUCH IT!! (Not too sure what "IT" is, but leave anything that could possibly be conceived as "IT" alone!! Damn desert dwellers, ya gotta them them EVERYTHING!!
Best Wishes and Happy New Year!!
Doc wants to see me back next Wednesday. Will have a handful of staples to get out at the very least. I think there's 2 per incision. Haven't looked yet. I'll shower tomorrow afternoon and get a look. Starting to smell a little.

Speaking of desert dwellers, it was about 74 degrees here today and where was I,,,,,,,,,on the couch. :frown:
Ironically, I felt much better last Monday when they took my staples out, 25 of em. I dunno if it was a mental thing or what, but it worked lol

Whatd you have done, anyhow?
Ironically, I felt much better last Monday when they took my staples out, 25 of em. I dunno if it was a mental thing or what, but it worked lol

Whatd you have done, anyhow?

25 staples, holy crap, you must have felt like a bus hit you. I had a Lapraroscopic Bilateral Inguinal Hernia Repair. He want in through three little incisions in my belly and fixed both sides. Total of 8 staples. And 4 of them where in the belly button hole. The other two holes only needed 2 each. I was in the OR at 9:15 and out at 10:15 or so. Not real sure, but my wife was with me by 11:00. Of course, it'll probably cost seven hundred million dollars!!:eek::eek:
Of course, it'll probably cost seven hundred million dollars!!:eek::eek:

Tell me you have insurance...otherwise, I'll start the bidding for your lathe at 50 bucks. Do I have 55?


P.S. I'm having problems with my vacuum pump on my new pot, on another thread. Any ideas, Steve?
Yes, I have insurance. This will be the first big test. I have my fingers crossed. It says they will pay 80%. Hope it works out even a little better.
Of course, it doesn't matter, the procedure had to be done one way or the other. It was getting to where it was interfering with my work and gym activities. Not acceptable.

Dale, I'll look at the other thread right now. You can always PM me if you like.
They were all in a line, I'd say a 4 inch cut or so. Knee surgery. Yeah, 80% won't matter if its something that needs to be done. I wonder what my bill will be. My company pays for my insurance, and from what I hear, its pretty good, so hopefully it won't cost me that much....
Glad to hear that all went well. Like the rest have said don't overdo it. Even when it is healed on the outside the inside will still be healing. Drink lots of fluids if you're taking pain killers since they slow your gut down and can cause constipation(no fun), and walk around to keep your lungs clear and things moving easily.
I've had three laproscopic knee surgeries and the second happened because I thought it looked good from the outside so I overdid it, but it wasn't completely healed inside. No fun. But all is well now.
Take care
Hope Bullhead doesn't have CCN for your coverage. Might check. Gotta fight them tooth/nail for payment. That's who the City of Safford had when I had my 2nd back surgery. In fact the Tucson Orthapedic Institute, Where my Dr. is, qiut accepting CCN since then. I was the first fireman to retire and keep on the ins. if I paid the monthly prem. It went up over $1,000 a month. Thank God I had the V.A. to fall back on. There can't be a better hospital in the U.S.A. than the V.A. in Tucson. Tops. Glad you're doing better. Like they say 'time heals everything".
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