One for the Navy folks or history buffs

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Jun 3, 2023
A while ago I ordered a slab of decking from the USS New Jersey museum. On Friday a ugly piece of teak decking showed up and I spent some time cutting 20 blanks from it. Here is a finished pen (along with one of the blanks). The kit is an Orion rollerball and finished with friction polish, so she was once again treated with some oil to come to the final form.

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Just a little history of the Navy's "Plank Owner" tradition. I never received this honor during my 22 years, however did become a "Golden Shellback" (crossing the equator at the international date line". Great looking pens!

Just a little history of the Navy's "Plank Owner" tradition. I never received this honor during my 22 years, however did become a "Golden Shellback" (crossing the equator at the international date line". Great looking pens!

My Dad was a plank owner and shellback on the USS WASP CV18 during WWII. He spent two years in the Pacific. I tried more than once to locate a plank. Was told none exist. He was a machinist mate, and made this ash tray. After battles, he would etch in the location


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I served in the USS Princeton(LPH-5) off Viet Nam and saw NJ. shoot a broadside with her 16in guns. The blast was so Huge that it nearly blew me over while I was working on the flight deck of Princeton!! We were 14 NM apart.
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