No Comments Just post new segmented pens and Likes

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Since the beginning,
maple and black walnut have always been two of my favorites.


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Very nice segmented. One thing I would like to say apart from all your amazing work is why do you use your introduction as" no comments just.... And likes." do you get annoyed with people's comments about your work?
Good question Jose. This thread was created specifically to post photos for quick reference to a series of segmented pens, without the often accompanying discussion, questions, comments, etc. which can bury the initial photo. Most of the photos/pens displayed here were in fact in 'typical' SOYP (Show off your pen) threads with the appreciated comments. This was intended more for a 'slideshow' vs a discussion starter. However, it was not intended to be a reflection of anyone 'getting annoyed with people's comments'.

Be well, Mark
Very nice segmented. One thing I would like to say apart from all your amazing work is why do you use your introduction as" no comments just.... And likes." do you get annoyed with people's comments about your work?
I see this question was just answered and to take it a little further Mike (mikespenturningz) and I tried getting a separate forum setup to include just segmented pens back in 2013 when this concept really started taking off here. It never happened so he took it upon himself to start this thread and if you read his first entry will explain it back then. Segmented pens is a segment of pen turning that has caught on over the years as well as casting and other forms. It deserves its own space to celebrate such pens and as been mentioned without the discussion that can go along with them so as to keep the photos easier to look through. This idea always did have merit. Also as mentioned the pens seen here have been posted in the usual show off your pen forum and you can easily find them by looking up the creators name. That is the jist of why this topic exists. Hope you understand and while you are here take a stroll through the many fine examples of what segmenting is all about. Many talented artisans here. Good luck and have fun.
😭 This was supposed to be a NO COMMENTS, JUST POST thread!! :O Can we maybe move the new commentary to a new thread somehow, @jeff? (And delete this post?) I've always enjoyed that this thread was JUST, PURELY awesome pencraft! I get a lot of inspiration from this thread....
😭 This was supposed to be a NO COMMENTS, JUST POST thread!! :O Can we maybe move the new commentary to a new thread somehow, @jeff? (And delete this post?) I've always enjoyed that this thread was JUST, PURELY awesome pencraft! I get a lot of inspiration from this thread....
There is no reason for that it was a question that was asked and being it is here it is a good reminder to others that check into the thread.
I could create a new forum just for discussion of segmented pens/blanks. Then as we do with the SOYP forum, I can mirror just the posted photos to a photo album. So there can be as much discussion as desired, and only the photos from threads will end up in the photo album. This thread was created in 2013, long before we had the capability to do that. The only downside is that I can't get all the photos from this thread easily into that new album.
I could create a new forum just for discussion of segmented pens/blanks. Then as we do with the SOYP forum, I can mirror just the posted photos to a photo album. So there can be as much discussion as desired, and only the photos from threads will end up in the photo album. This thread was created in 2013, long before we had the capability to do that. The only downside is that I can't get all the photos from this thread easily into that new album.
That is basically what you have now. You have a separate segment for talking about making segment blanks. You stickied this thread in that forum and it is basically a show off your segmented pen forum. People that post the pen in the SOYP forum can choose to also put it here but nine at of ten times it gets talked about in the other forum.
I could create a new forum just for discussion of segmented pens/blanks. Then as we do with the SOYP forum, I can mirror just the posted photos to a photo album. So there can be as much discussion as desired, and only the photos from threads will end up in the photo album. This thread was created in 2013, long before we had the capability to do that. The only downside is that I can't get all the photos from this thread easily into that new album.
Hi. Thanks for the clarification. I am new here and when reading that sound to me awkward. Yes there are lots of very difficult and beautiful segmented blanks. Keep it on!
2 different pens, both Caribbean Rosewood and curly Koa, but one has brass and the other has copper.


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This sticky doesn't get much activity. But I do look through every so often for inspiration. It's hard to come up with a design that is pleasing to my eye. I like simple clean designs. Segmenting dozens of pieces of wood for the sake of doing something difficult usually comes off as less beautiful than an unsegmented pen done in pretty wood. {end rant}

I have done this simple design many times before, but gave up segmenting off-tube because of too many failures while drilling. A recent discovery of OILY GLUE has me interested in simple segmenting again (thanks, Ken). Oily glue doesn't fail during drilling. This pen is Amboyna Burl with dark Cocobolo that I got from a retired pipemaker. The wood is decades past having any orange highlights, but makes for a lovely ebony substitute. I used aluminum soda can for my spacer. Thanks for looking!

#0483 - Amboyna Cocobolo Fountain Pen 2023-12-26 002 (1920x1440).jpg
#0483 - Amboyna Cocobolo Fountain Pen 2023-12-26 004 (1920x1440).jpg
#0483 - Amboyna Cocobolo Fountain Pen 2023-12-26 008 (1920x1440).jpg
#0482 - Amboyna Cocobolo Rollerball 2023-12-26 008 (1920x1440).jpg
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