It was great to get back together and have James, our designated leader, back as well. For Larry and anyone else interested in cheap, sharp carbides --
The ones I like the best are: For "Byrd" Shelix ® Journal (Helical) Heads --15mm x 15mm x 2.5mm - 4-edge - Radius Faces $2.61 each / 10 pk
It was fun. Thanks to everyone for their input and help with setting up and cleanup. Thanks Tom for bringing the supplies and giving the duck call as a gift. I can't wait for the next one. I didn't realize there were people that drove quite a distance to attend.
Loyd, don't think you mentioned that you made the drive down from Ardmore when you were at the meeting. Hope you can make it back for the next meeting. The person farthest away gets to take home the leftover donuts!! :tongue: