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here my most educated thoughts on this matter.

5 Buckeye
7 walnut
8 popular
9 Orange Osage
10 Bocote
14quilted maple
Well the contest is over (although I know I'll have a few smart alecs respond now that I have the exact answers for them). I want to congratulate the only two people that were able to follow the rules and eventually get them all right (although I'm pretty sure they lost a fair amount of sleep figuring it out). Congrats go out to 1080Wayne and drjpawlus. Since there were only two official participants I'm going to send both of the a box of blanks. For those of you that are dying to know the correct order (or at least learn something new) here is the answers:

1 Camatillo rosewood
2 Juniper
3 Manzanita
4 Macadamia
5 White pine (blue stained)
6 American smoketree
7 Walnut
8 Poison ivy
9 Texas laurel
10 Pistachio
11 Blue mahoe
12 Redwood
13 Basswood (burl)
14 Ash (curly)
15 Cocobolo
16 Cherry (burl)
17 Caragana
18 Hackberry (spalted)
19 Locust (burl)
20 Huisache
Poison Ivy is one of those never-ending debates and I leave it up to each person to make their own decision about it. I'm allergic to poison ivy but I've never had any problems with turning it (as long as it is really, really dry and I'm working with the wood and no bark is in sight). From what I've been told from those that should be in the know, the wood contains little to no oil and if you leave the dry for a couple of years the oil dries up anyways (but I still don't risk having any of the bark or the thin layer under that). Bob I.
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