New band saw or smith and wesson 45

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The way things are going these days, it ain't gonna be to much longer until only the criminals will be the only thing armed. That's a bad thing too!

Get the weapon and save up for the bandsaw ... you can always get a bandsaw!

Our government knows what's best for us. Soon they'll outlaw anything that we could possibly injur ourselves with and bandsaws will only be sold on the blackmarket. You could cut your thumb off with one of those!! Since we can't think for ourselves, I think that we need an organization that does it for us. They could call it "Occupational Safety and Health Administration" or something like that. I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out there. HAHAHA!!!
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Well went and tried out the SW 108287 and my bank account is a whole lot lighter.
Man is that a nice shouting gun. Going to have to try and sale some pens to pay for the ammo.
Now I see the Grizzly 14 in band saw is on sale. When I mention it to my wife she said don't you even dare go there. Guess the saw is out of question.

Well went and tried out the SW 108287 and my bank account is a whole lot lighter.
Man is that a nice shouting gun. Going to have to try and sale some pens to pay for the ammo.
Now I see the Grizzly 14 in band saw is on sale. When I mention it to my wife she said don't you even dare go there. Guess the saw is out of question.


Freudian slip???? :wink::biggrin:
Which one could save your life? its a no brainer

Just for kicks, in which situation do you think you're more likely to

1. Someone breaks into your home and finds you using your bandsaw.

2. Someone breaks into your home and finds you holding your gun.

I want to protect myself as much as the next guy, but the thought of pulling a gun to do it makes me uneasy. If someone has me at gunpoint, pulling a gun is going to guarantee someone is going to get shot. And unless you're Wyatt Earp, chances are good it's going to be you. I can't think of many situations where a gun is necessary for protection where someone else holding a gun isn't a factor. Just doesn't seem worth it.
Well went and tried out the SW 108287 and my bank account is a whole lot lighter.
Man is that a nice shouting gun. Going to have to try and sale some pens to pay for the ammo.
Now I see the Grizzly 14 in band saw is on sale. When I mention it to my wife she said don't you even dare go there. Guess the saw is out of question.


I wouldn't mention the band saw for a while now that you have a gun in the house. HAHAHA!!!
My college roommate was concealed carrying a gun (with a permit) and was jumped outside of his apartment one night coming home from work. He pulled the gun and the guy ran away like a little girl. He said the guy had at least 4" and a hundred pounds on him, so without the gun he would be in quite a different shape. The whole thing about using a gun is you have to be comfortable with it. If you're not comfortable protecting yourself with a gun, then by golly you shouldn't use one.

Keep in mind too, the guy breaking into your house doesn't want to get shot any more than could argue that pulling a gun on someone who pulls a gun on you actually decreases your chances of getting shot. But man, people could argue these hypotheticals until blue in the face and not accomplish a thing. The whole purpose of the 2nd amendment is that if you want to have a gun, you get one. If you don't want one, then don't get one.:rolleyes:

And just a side note.....I went to Virginia Tech....graduated the year before the masacre... if concealed carrying was allowed on that campus, maybe a responsible citizen might have been able to take that nut down before he killed more than 30 people. By the way, even if you have a legal permit in your state, chances are every major college will outlaw it on their campus, even though they are state run. What's up with that?!
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45 vs saw

That's a tough one. I'm a fan of the 45. If it's a 1911 I'd be tempted to go with the 45 although I have five now. If it's an M&P maybe. If it's anything else I'd go with the band saw unless it a big band saw then I'd go with the saw.
I'm a fan of the 45. If it's a 1911 I'd be tempted to go with the 45 although I have five now.

I was told that the 1911 is a creation of a genius and supposedly, to date is still hardly equaled.

Most of my military friends back home (Philippines) won't carry anything else.
We are 15 miles from town and I own a glock and an sks. Shoot them very seldom but glad we have them for protection. Couple weeks ago my BIL who lives around the field from us, came home to a robbery in progress in his home. Needless to say the intruder was held at gunpoint until sheriffs came. BIL is an ex-Marine so he has ample training.

Get the gun.
I have a S&W 40 Sigma and a Glock 26 9mm. I love the glock and would trade the S&W in a heart beat for another Glock. I believe in personal protection and the right to carry concealed provided the person is properly trained to use the handgun in question. Shooting a gun is like anything else, the more you practice at it, the better you get.
Just for kicks, in which situation do you think you're more likely to

1. Someone breaks into your home and finds you using your bandsaw.

2. Someone breaks into your home and finds you holding your gun.

I want to protect myself as much as the next guy, but the thought of pulling a gun to do it makes me uneasy. If someone has me at gunpoint, pulling a gun is going to guarantee someone is going to get shot. And unless you're Wyatt Earp, chances are good it's going to be you. I can't think of many situations where a gun is necessary for protection where someone else holding a gun isn't a factor. Just doesn't seem worth it.

you need a reality check. having been in law enforcement in one form or another since 1971, and still am, and with a degree in it, and past owner of a gun store for years, i can tell you that ur view is off, to put it nicely. ANY crook would rather confront an unarmed pacifist than a determined not-to-be-a-victim well prepared person willing to defend themselves and their family. just common sense!
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