jack barnes
That is the question. I can buy one or the other. As I have access to good band saw so leaning to the 45. What would you do?
Since I already have a .45 I'd go for the bandsaw.
I'd get the .45, even tho it's a Smith! :wink:
I have a .40 Sigma myself, but lookin' for a Glock 23?
Ruger's new LCR is pretty spiffy, for a wheel gun....
Actually, you could get the band saw WITH the .45 ! ! !
Yeah, go for the .45!!
jack , as they say , " it's better to have one and not need it , than to need one and not have it " . Get the .45 then start saving for a bandsaw . Fwiw , jmho
But do you have one for each hand and a backup?Since I already have a .45 I'd go for the bandsaw.
Kinda hard to protect your family with a bandsaw!! I make it a rule to never bring a bandsaw to a gun fight.
Would depend on whether you got a lot of people to kill or a lot of blanks to cut?
Go for the gun, the gov't. is gonna make them so difficult to get that only the bad guys will be able to have one. Buy them up and hide them for later when they will be worth a whole lot more.
...but lookin' for a Glock 23?
Get the 45, but don't get the S and W. Get The Judge by Taurus!
Now that's a man's gun! I just got one and LOVE IT! I put 2 slugs and 3 .410 shells in the cylinder for when I am out at the ranch. I have one gun for both snakes and hogs, just need to rotate the cylinder.
What kind of price range are we talking here?
question to all: Been checking glocks and will possibly (in the future) go with one of these in order:
G35 - .40
g22 - .40
g20 - 10 mm
g21 - .45
anyone have strong recommendation (or discouragement) on any of these models?
Get the bandsaw. I'm not against guns, I like them, but I'm certainly not going to pull out my gun and shoot someone if they try to rob me. If anyone's concerned about their safety, I'd be willing to wager that the stress is going to kill you before some attacker does. Sure it happens, there's no denying that, but you have a greater chance of getting killed in a car accident, so maybe Jack should just buy a bicycle, lol.
However, if you have a ranch out in West Texas (like me), your chance of probability of death without a gun is pretty good if you go trouncing around in the middle of the summer. There are about 6x10^2450698 things that can kill you out there. Better to be prepared! I once had a rattler slither BETWEEN MY LEGS when I was crossing an open field (had to change pants shortly thereafter). And death by wild hogs (they run in packs of about 40) . . . yuck!
Seems to me that if you have the 45, you can get any bandsaw you want.
The way things are going these days, it ain't gonna be to much longer until only the criminals will be the only thing armed.
Jack , IF you DO decide to buy the .45 , I vehemently recommend you use it for protection purposes ONLY .
. . . some prisons have wood shops . . .
. . . I vehemently recommend you use it for protection purposes ONLY . . .education on handling a handgun , GET SOME
I carry my Glock with me everywhere ---even mowing the yard--Model 26---9mm.