Need a Cat name...

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Kitty Names...

I have lots:

Gato - Spanish for "Cat"
One of my ex-wives calls all her cats "Toby."

My current girlfriend's parrot has a great vocabulary including, "Oh, Oh. Somebody's pissed off!" And, whenever the dog walks in the room she says, "Go lay down," in my GFs voice. Poor dog does what he's told. The other funny thing she does if she says "Polly wants a cracker," and you don't give it to her, she starts crying like a little girl. Amazing bird.

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I would call him, "Hunter" because of his background. Plus he looks like a mighty hunter. His markings will provide him perfect camouflage while outside.

Looks like he will be an excellent mouser and chipmunk getter! :eek:

Our cats always left "offerings" on the back porch of our house... :eek::eek::eek:
What is an African or Hawaiian name for friend or pet I looked up names recently for a new puppy we got and I will give you a link to a site that you can get names from all over the world from. Here it is:
They have pet names from everywhere. Hope it helps. After all the looking and writing down I did we decided on "Yogi" because he looks like a little bear cub. IDK my wife and mother-in-law so I guess even though he was to be my new puppy that I will stick with the name they picked out. Len
Was reading thru the suggestions and saw "Haywire" and got a good laugh from that.

since he is a Tiger, his Hawaiian name could be Kikeli (kick - a - lee)

or, you could go with... Humuhumunukunukuapuaa :p
Hmm... I vote Eugene.

But then again, I named our new siamese rescued cat. Her name is Edna. Her full name is Edna the Inhaler, since she inhales anything that's edible, :)
The Genus name for cat is Felis.

My kids had a cat named Felix, after my son learned the genus names in his science class.

We later intoduced them to the cartoon cat named Felix.
Rescued a kitten from the river once. Some lousy inconsiderate mongrel had tried to drown it.

Dad called it Moses!:biggrin:

Had a friend with a black cat called Puss. He also had a sulphur crested cockatoo that would call out "Here Puss,Puss,Puss!". Cat was stupid. It came to the cage every time, whereupon the Cockatoo would lean over and screech in its ear. The cat would bolt off and the Cockatoo would do a little dance and laugh.
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