Need a Cat name...

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Apr 24, 2009
Medford, Oregon
Okay great minds out there:
Possibly a silly question but looking for name ideas.

We need a name for a cat my wife and daughter adopted.
It's a boy. Father is African Jungle cat, Mother is bangal. He's supposed to get somewhere around 20 Lbs +-. We thought an African name would be appropriate but we're open to thoughts. Actually leaning toward a Hawaiian name "Kona" at the moment.


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This is Turbo. Bingle Cat, about 20 pounds. Quite secure in his manhood.



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Okay great minds out there:
Possibly a silly question but looking for name ideas.

We need a name for a cat my wife and daughter adopted.
It's a boy. Father is African Jungle cat, Mother is bangal. He's supposed to get somewhere around 20 Lbs +-. We thought an African name would be appropriate but we're open to thoughts. Actually leaning toward a Hawaiian name "Kona" at the moment.

Let's see, he's going to sit around the house all day, doing nothing. THEN, you will come home from a hard day of labor and FEED HIM! Again, he will do nothing.

'yo, sucker!

Three choices, there should be MANY more.
I named my cat "cujo" IDK (because he is the exact opp.) and 13 years later people still laugh when they hear it. On the lighter side, I always wanted to name a cat "biscuit". He looks like he could be a "biscuit" or a "snickers". Anyways, thats my 2 pennies!!
One of my wife's clients has a cat named "Mr. Jones". I don't know why, but our next cat will be named "Mr. Jones" - I kind of like it.

"Mr. Jones, come get your dinner"......
Why name a cat, most of them will not come when called anyway. That's why I don't name my turnings. They are kind of like cats.

My wife had a cat that she named ,Food. Just asy the word Food and he showed up.

Just a thought.
Roadkill? Worm food? Or Eggroll.
Lol. 1 have 2. Hercules & Muffy I didn't name the 2nd.

Spunky? it looks frisky.
All cats have the same name, and it's pronunciation is the sound that a can opener makes.

My pet parrot (before he passed) once learned how to imitate the can opener. It drove the cats crazy.

I thought that was funny, until he learned to imitate my cell phone.

As far as names:
Kobina ('Gift' in Luganda)
Folami ('Respect and honor me' in Yoruba(kinda fits a cat))
Paka (Swahili for 'Cat')
Paka-kufuru (Swahili for 'Damn Cat')
Saidi (Swahili for 'Master' (you just THINK you're the master))
Zuri (Swahili for 'Cute')
Kajinga (Swahili for 'Troublemaker')
Mguu joto (Swahili for 'Foot Warmer')

Personally, I'd go with 'Paka-kufuru'

I named our first cat "Arson"....he fit his name well, but im a firefighter.....I see your in the software about "Data"....just off the top of my head.
LOL Wes. I like your thinking. But maybe something a bit easier to pronounce. What about -

Simba (Lion in Swahili)
Jauhar (Jewel - also harkens to jaguar)

Or maybe just for fun...

Tigger (stripe pattern)
Jabba ( in "the Hutt" because he is going to be a BIG boy!!! :biggrin:)
I would call him, "Hunter" because of his background. Plus he looks like a mighty hunter. His markings will provide him perfect camouflage while outside.

Looks like he will be an excellent mouser and chipmunk getter! :eek:
I have a rescued cat that bears a resemblance to yours, I named him "Hoover". If there is food around, he will suck it right up. Fast. Really fast.
Damascas...he looks like damascus steel.....Damn for short..

LOML has 2. Boo and Angie. I call angie Spit ball because when she was a small one, she hissed and spit at all of us all the time.
All cats have the same name, and it's pronunciation is the sound that a can opener makes.

My pet parrot (before he passed) once learned how to imitate the can opener. It drove the cats crazy.

I thought that was funny, until he learned to imitate my cell phone.

As far as names:
Kobina ('Gift' in Luganda)
Folami ('Respect and honor me' in Yoruba(kinda fits a cat))
Paka (Swahili for 'Cat')
Paka-kufuru (Swahili for 'Damn Cat')
Saidi (Swahili for 'Master' (you just THINK you're the master))
Zuri (Swahili for 'Cute')
Kajinga (Swahili for 'Troublemaker')
Mguu joto (Swahili for 'Foot Warmer')

Personally, I'd go with 'Paka-kufuru'

Parrots live a long, long, life. You must be over one hundred years old.
I named my cat "cujo" IDK (because he is the exact opp.) and 13 years later people still laugh when they hear it. On the lighter side, I always wanted to name a cat "biscuit". He looks like he could be a "biscuit" or a "snickers". Anyways, thats my 2 pennies!!

This is "Biscuit" (and my dog.)


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My pet parrot (before he passed) once learned how to imitate the can opener. It drove the cats crazy.

I thought that was funny, until he learned to imitate my cell phone.

My mother raised cockatiels. My dad had a '66 valiant slant-6 that was a bear to start. Can you imagine the noises the became part of the cockatiels' "mating song" that lasted decades longer than the car? rrr-rrr-rrr-rrr-rrr-rrr-rrr-rrr. Annoyed my dad for decades!

On topic: how about "schwarzenegger" or "ferrigno".
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