OK, Santa needs a new reindeer cause the old ones are wearing out.
Stuff happens!! Including worn out reindeer(s).
So, go pick a nice strong young buck and purchase same. He will now have to do most of the work unless you can motivate the others.
Call the new guy,
Assign him a position immediately ahead of Santa, behind the other reindeer, so they can't really SEE WOLF!
Now, he's a buck, so Vixen, Prancer and Dancer better move their female tails or he'll be "pushing" them from behind, if you know what I mean.
More important, the other males will most certainly "high-tail" it when they hear Santa yelling, "ON WOLF!!!" As the primary predator for reindeer, the mere word, "Wolf", will cause adrenaline to pump, making the "ancient 8" move along. Of course, hearing Santa CHEER for the WOLF, will also help remind the "erstwhile great team" that reindeer's natural place in the food chain is just below the "Santa" level. So, when he returns from a hard winter delivery job, nothin' beats a great reindeer steak!!!
In short, I think it is obvious that
will accomplish far more than ANY OTHER reindeer names!!!