Name it and Claim it, FINALS:

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I gotta stick with my original 2 - congo leopard, and copper congo leopard. Fits all criteria except the foriegn language, but is still exotic. They also fit your running cat theme perrrrfectly :biggrin:, and are easily adaptable to new colors.
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How about chatoyance occhio del gatto. Mix a little French with Italian.
Or in Romanian - chatoyance de pisici ochi.
Or maybe from our neighbors to the South - chatoyance los ojos de los gatos.
Our friends from Vietnam would call it chatoyance của mèo mắt .

But my favorites are both from the far east, the Chinese chatoyance眼睛的貓 or the Japanese の猫の目のchatoyance. The both pretty tough for me to pronouce but I like them none the less.
Here's a start. Don't mean to step on any toes if one is already taken.

- Jaguar Fiore = Jaguar Flower

- Fiore Del Giaguaro = Flower of the Jaguar

- Rame Rosa = Copper Rose

- Rame Giaguaro = Copper Jaguar

- Rame Fiore Del Giaguaro = Copper Flower Of The Jaguar

- Fioritura Giaguaro = Flowering Jaguar (My Fav)
Okay Ed. I'll toss in my entries.

I like "Cobre Felino" Spanish for copper feline
Or "Felino De Rame" Italian for Copper Feline
Or "Felin De Cuivre" French for Copper Feline
Orange Cat Eyes

gatto arancio occhi (Italian)

gato laranja olhos (Portugese)

Lovely Orange Eyes

adorável laranja olhos (Portugese)

bella arancione occhi (Italian)
Of course there has to be more than one base color...sheesh!

I really like Soul Train for that blank. With Soul Train, you have Rewind, Jungle Fever and Soul Train Starfest and Soul Train Lady. That themes you out for 5 different colors.

Win or lose..I'll take some. How much is it, how do I pay? I know there's some soul train pens in my future. I want the copper and if you have bronze I'll take that too. Thanks Ed.
Ok the wife has a few last second entries:

Copper Wiskers
Copper Rush
Cheetah Rush
Golden Cheetah
Golden Eye
Cats Meow
Cool Cats
I don't care what you call it, just put it on your site so I can get some. Call it Cat's Eye or something like Ed's Magic Balls....does it really matter?
Unusual, but, hey who am I????


I'm so flattered that you have my real name on your spreadsheet twice as a possible name for this product. Just the thought of having women fighting over the last Jim Smith on the shelf brings tears to my eyes:) My wife on the other hand is still laughing at the very idea so I guess I'll have to respectfully withdraw my own name as an option on your spreadsheet. I also promise to be a lot more careful when I am typing a list for naming any product in the future.

Thanks for thinking of me though.

Jim Smith

Well Jim, I'm sure the jewelry world is relieved!!

While your name did NOT have a number (as your other suggestions did), it WAS in line. So, I thought best to include it (TWICE).

But, honestly, I don't think it was going to WIN!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

to ALL of you who are
participating in these

of ideas
is going to be

Dawn & I truly appreciate your help

Keep it up!
How about Copper Bastet (Bast or Bastet the greek god of cats)

Name Variations: Pasch, Pasht, Ubasti, Ba en Aset. Sometimes considered to be the Egyptian version of the Greek Artemis and Roman Diana.

It seems this thread is getting to be as long as the last one.
Quick question, am I correct in assuming the xls file contains ONLY suggestions from the first thread (and not suggestions from this one)?
It seems this thread is getting to be as long as the last one.
Quick question, am I correct in assuming the xls file contains ONLY suggestions from the first thread (and not suggestions from this one)?

Yes, Hans.

I did the excel file yesterday, have not updated with the ones since then.

There will be another worksheet created, cause Dawn can pick her favs and I can pick mine without the name of the "submitter" next to them. We MAY remember from the thread, but usually we only remember one or two.

Hope this helps!!
Copper Kitten
Copper Kitty
Orange Kitten
Orange Kitty
Spotted Kitten
Spotted Kitty
Tiger Kitten
Tiger Kitty
Kitty Cat
Kitten Tears
Last edited:
Since it is coppery (even tho it isn't a "cat" theme), I'd say Penny Serenade.

Of course, my perverse mind remembers there's an English dessert named "Spotted Dick!"

oh ah

Jewelry (pendant) shopper #1: What is that pendant you are wearing?
Jewelry (pendant) shopper #2: (color of your choice) Erotica from
Jewelry (pendant) shopper #1: oh ah, oh ah.

Jewelry (pendant) shopper #2: What is that pendant you are wearing?
Jewelry (pendant) shopper #1: (color of your choice) Exotica from
Jewelry (pendant) shopper #2: oh ah, oh ah.

I can see by the pages that I got here a little late. I didnt read over them all so if these are taken I apologize.

Nairobi Coppercat
Coppercat Fever
Coppercat Teardrops
Coppercat Tears
Here are a couple for consideration (sorry if any have already been offered...didn't have time to read all the posts):

Metallica de cobre

O cobre derruba

Laranja metallica

Will catch up on reading later....this is TOO FUN!
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I was planning on suggesting to Ed that he at least give an hounorable mention to the worst name posted. I thought I had that title in the bag with my "Orange Chicken Pox" until dgscott posted his "Spotted Dick" suggestion. Now I have to compete with that.

This next suggestion needs to be set up a little.

Picture if you will a mid twenties something georgus woman driving up in a convertable sports car (ok, in keeping with the theme of this thread we'll make it a Jaguar). Hair colour of your choice. She gets out of the car and is wearing a low cut slinky dress and the pendant. The only name for the pendant could be:


Ah, if only I had a nickel for every time I heard that.

Ed, this is just a joke. Please don't put it in the spreadsheet.
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