I don't want to inhibit creativity, so I will not comment on the various names, until tomorrow.
However, answering a few questions and making one observation:
1) Yes, this will be predominately used for flat work --- pendants, tops of compacts, desk mags, etc. Although I expect Ed Davidson will show us that it makes a very stunning yo-yo, as well. Apart from cost, it would make a great "Kaleggoscope".
2) Being 2" in diameter, it COULD be cut lengthwise to make 2 or 4 pen blanks. But I would not recommend this. PRESENTLY, I can only purchase it in this size -- this too could change.
Now, on to "naming considerations": Most likely, those who BUY the material will use the name we choose when SELLING the products.
Most products will be geared toward women's jewelry. Visualize yourself, holding a very nice looking pendant and presenting it to a lady as a jewelry item, will your name for it prompt her to WANT it?
That's another goal.
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