Well, this was interesting - about 8 re-glues from various stages but some success in the end.
Having successfully attempted more simple segmented pens I decided it was time to up the ante and try something more along the lines of pens like the ones Mike makes.
Wow, but my hat is off to the folks that turn those out so nicely. This is hard!
So much to learn. Getting nice crisp clean joints between the metal and the wood, not having the 3 pieces of snakewood blow up (turned out to be a hairline fracture in the blank I was using that I didn't spot till my 3rd go), to temperature control while drilling and turning and ripping out the longitudinal piece of brass.
It has inspired me though to try segmenting with round pieces instead, so I have a walnut and oak blank gluing right now that I will try to turn tomorrow that I cut one inch plugs of oak, surrounded them with aluminum and glued them into one inch holes in the walnut so that the aluminum segment will be rounded in two axis - I have high hopes, and no nasty 90s to deal with
C&C welcome on both this and my newest idea.

Having successfully attempted more simple segmented pens I decided it was time to up the ante and try something more along the lines of pens like the ones Mike makes.
Wow, but my hat is off to the folks that turn those out so nicely. This is hard!
So much to learn. Getting nice crisp clean joints between the metal and the wood, not having the 3 pieces of snakewood blow up (turned out to be a hairline fracture in the blank I was using that I didn't spot till my 3rd go), to temperature control while drilling and turning and ripping out the longitudinal piece of brass.
It has inspired me though to try segmenting with round pieces instead, so I have a walnut and oak blank gluing right now that I will try to turn tomorrow that I cut one inch plugs of oak, surrounded them with aluminum and glued them into one inch holes in the walnut so that the aluminum segment will be rounded in two axis - I have high hopes, and no nasty 90s to deal with

C&C welcome on both this and my newest idea.