Member Real Names

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  • No

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Originally posted by dfurlano
<br />He he he...

We'll send each other hundreds of dollars but supply a name... well lets debate that!

Dan Furlano

I agree with you Dan.

I not only have all that info PLUS my Geocode in my profile, I have some of it in my signature. From learning members locations I have made some very good friends around me. Sadly I don't think they will step up and names themselves, I ran out of bribe money last month. [:p]

As some others have stated when I address someone I like to use their first name, I will go look at their profile to get it if its not in their signature. Also if I am going to email them, I would prefer to use their name as it would be proper.
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and in one thread I am reminded why I have not been active in this group in months. I'll catch you all in a few months to see if there is less debate over stupid issues. Feal free to reply however you wish as I will not see it anyway.
I personally don't have a problem with putting my whole name in the profile area. It may already be there now. I'll have to take a look.
Let's face it....The odds are my name will come out wrong anyway.
Is it Ron Mc? Is it Ron McIntire? Is it Ron McKinney?[;)]
Originally posted by ashaw
<br />I voted no only because in this age of the Internet how can you verify any ones real name. Most people in this forum and TPS are here for one reason and one reason only. That being our hobby. That being said, Yes it would be nice to respond to a real name than a handle.
Jeff if you have a problem with a spammer that group can still join with another fictitious name unless you know their ISP address.


While it may be possible to fake a 'real name', requiring a bona-fide ISP address and a few other facts makes it unappealing to spammers and trouble makers. I favor restrictions to keep out the riff-raff.
I voted no, mainly because I do not believe it would accomplish much and I am not really fond of more requirements on my life. The people who are out to make trouble will make trouble, regardless.
I have to say that when I look at someones profile and I do not see a first and last name, or at least a state where they are from, it raises my eyebrows a little.
Not to be a smark alec Frank(does that reveal my age?), but if everyone puts there real first and last name on their profile, what exactly are we being protected from? And yes, my name is on my profile
I would've voted no for the word "require" but after peeking at the vote count, I can't vote.
Having said that, after reading all the comments, I altered my profile to include my full name.

So far, I haven't met anyone on this forum who lacks integrity and that's the measure of a man or woman.

I like the comment about -we have a problem listing our real names, but we have no problem sending hundreds of dollars, or in some cases, thousands to someone to order something for us. So true.

Why not have real names listed in the user profile, but allow us all to select user names. Only allow registered users to view the profiles and do as some sites do in that you cannot sign up with an account such as a free Yahoo e-mail or just force someone to get a confirmation e-mail before they can view anything. Let the admin decide if someone is worthy of gaining membership.

As I posted on page 1, at least make everyone post a location. if I put Cleveland, Ohio how in the world am I giving up private information? You want to look for a Mike in the whole city, go right ahead.

Besides, we all know there is no free speech here, we are allowed to post at the will of the moderators. if you don't like to post some information, then maybe someone needs to join another site before they feel comfortable. We all know there are enough other sites to join.
I have my full name in my profile. But as far as requiring people to put theirs, I don't think it should be required. If you don't want to show it, fine. Maybe require it be on file for the admin folks.

Aren't we required to give enough info, elsewhere in society, without being forced to at the place we come to relax and talk to Friends. If someone wants to be called by their real name, they can put it in their signature.
As for sending money to others, we choose to do so by trusting that 1 person or others we decide to give out our info too, to make a transaction. You can do a search for subjects on google and come up with threads on here. You can also EASILY get around the old ISP thing by just taking your laptop down the block and logging into someones unsecured wireless network, around here there everywhere. You can log in at free wireless hotspots or again just down the road or 10 miles down the road.People have tiffs online and in life theres no getting around that.(and people can be A**es in both places too) You will accomplish Nothing by "requiering" so called real names but a FALSE sence of security. This is 4 pages on NON pen turning talk thats such a waste. I belong to NAPP ( National Association of Photoshop Professionals ) it costs about $100.00 a year to join, and there are still people who shall we say-Have there own way of doing and saying things. This is the world wide web not your close little network of real life friends that you can pick and choose as you wish. This is not a pay site so it is open to pretty much anyone who wants to join and enjoy the hobby and exchange ideas about pen turning. Like it or not, not everyone gets along, and they never will, thats just human nature. My first Name is included in my signature and thats really all anyone who i'm not doing actual business with really needs to know. I
can see if the site owner wants it to control something , but then only the site owner needs personal information not every Tom Dick and Harry of the world. I have nothing to "hide" but I also like my privacy. I just don't see it as a necessity. I don't sign up to forums that require you to pass there so called judgement of wheather i'm "worthy" to join in or not. Is that were this forum wants to go? To be some so called exclusive forum for only the "right kind of pen turners"? That would be a shame. I believe it will stop some people from joining the forum at all. Just my thoughts on the subject
It's really sad how far out of hand this subject is getting. Jeff provides this site at no cost to us, he can require anything he wants.
As I said in my original reply, I understand the fear some people have but I know for a fact there is already so much information about all of us on the internet. From time to time I look around the net just to see what I can find out about me, the closest I get is the last place I lived and that's eight years old.
I'm still sticking with my original thought that only members with a certain amount of post, lets say 200 post, should be able access profiles.
I am just stating my opinion as several of you have done several times.
Originally posted by stevers
<br />
Aren't we required to give enough info, elsewhere in society, without being forced to at the place we come to relax and talk to Friends.


If someone is your "friend" would you not know their real name?
Why does it matter so much? If he or she is my friend, I don't care if they want me to call them Jim or jimster-jackrabbit1552. A friend is a friend, right?
Originally posted by stevers
<br />Why does it matter so much? If he or she is my friend, I don't care if they want me to call them Jim or jimster-jackrabbit1552. A friend is a friend, right?

It appears that you definition of friendship is different than mine. If all that I knew about you was that your name is Steve then I would not consider you a friend. Also; A simple whois search of your website netted me the name, address, and phone number that you used to register your site on May 17 , 2006. So I guess you gave up too much already?

BTW: You failed to answer the original question.
We all have given up more info somewhere, sometime than we actually care to admit. Even the most privacy/security concious amongst us.

Name and general location is very common info that can be found almost readily elsewhere that I believe it won't hurt if we share it here as part of the registration.
Normally I have no problem with revealing my name. In fact, as a sign of friendship and trust I use my real name in all private correspondence with IAP members.

However, a few years ago I was reading a management magazine that talked about employee productivity. The articles specifically suggested finding out about employee hobbies and monitoring those activities. In particular they pointed out that amateur radio ops sometimes change their sleep patterns in search of that elusive DX contact.

I am also aware of cases where people have googled a co-workers (boss, neighbor, child, etc) name and have held that against them.

I realize that I live a fairly public life. It is very easy to find out all kinds of information about me becuase I don't try to hide it.

But, I do think we should have the option. I don't mind if Jeff knows who we are but I do want to be able to keep my hobbies away from John Q Public (or my boss).
The sky is falling, hide...
Jeff's wish is my command...

I dont have a problem with it, actually i already do it.
A couple folks mentioned mabey real name in the profile not in the posted message. That may accomplish the same thing.

Its too bad in this day and age we need to worry about telling folks who we are. In days of old (knights and cowboys.[:)]) a man defended his name and reputation to the death. Now were reluctant to post them for fear of someone using the information.

me thinks i was born too late.....[:(]
One of my best friends I met on a forum. His name is Saosdif... at least I think he's a he... and he(?) told me he lived...

All BS aside, it's been said in this thread numerous times. Jeff "owns" this site. "He", with our help, funds it. And this help is not "required", but it is rewarded. As such, this is NOT a public site. Jeff has the power to grant, block, or remove visitors/members at his will, and such should indeed be the case. So why he big hubbub about the question of removing the anonymity of the sites members? If we don't like his rules or requirements, we are free to go play in someone else's sand box. Besides, no where in the poll question did I see that he was planning on institutionalizing this as a requirement. He is simply looking for feedback from his members, not a fuss about why he should not implement a particular feature. I, for one, agree with somethign that has already been said in one of the replies... some have a tendency to be less civil than they otherwise would be if they can hide behind an anonymous moniker.

My name is and has always been in my profile. I have no problem with it being required. It's your sand box, Jeff. You make the rules and I'm still here.[;)]
I have a geocode and stuff in my profile, but I really am with American_and_Proud on this. An ISP is not personally identifiable like a location and name is. If you require a name, how are you going to verify it, require a credit card? This could turn in to a big can of worms.

As for buying, I use a credit card and paypal, if someone jumps ship with my money, it is only a small inconvienance to get my money back. Not the same with your identity. Before making that "Requirement", you should go read some of the stories that are available by the thousands of personal information getting out.

Unless Jeff would be able to show some level of security, I don't think it is fair to make that requirement. On the other hand, this is technically his site and he can do as he chooses.
Well this was a test for me, I actually had to go back to my profile to see if I had filed it out. So the end result was yes to the survey because when I first joined I put real name. Plus, really those trying to be sneaky, how are we even going to know if the name they use is a real name?[?][?]
Hello, my name is Lyle Walden, and...........I'm a wood junkie. I first started collecting small specimens of exotic woods 22 years ago. At first, I thought I could control my habit. A little piece of tiger maple here, a small block of rosewood there..... and then the thrill started to wear off, so I went for the harder stuff- yep, you got it. Burls. I've tried the two-step plan (Texas-style), the three step plan, and even the seven step plan. With the help of my loving wife and understanding family, I was able to get this addiction under control in 2002. With periodic help from my sponsor, I was able to make it through some tuff spots.....until the fall of 2005. Then a new, evil influence intruded on my life...... penturning. Suddenly, I felt I had the justification for my urges- instead of secretly hoarding stashes of illicit burl and spalted woods, I could flaunt them as works of art!! Oh glorious day!! My wife and family even encouraged my entry back into the world of wood addiction. At first. However, moderation has never been my forte..... and as my stash of pen blanks continued to grow, I began to encounter resistance from my wife. After 6 months, she started meeting me at the door every time I came home, in order to try and ascertain if I was trying to smuggle in new additions. Now, I've set up a seperate checking account in order to conceal my illicit purchases (Dario, you'd better not try and back out on our deal for the desert ironwood)from my wife. Clearly I need help- where is Angela when you need her? At any rate, now you all know my name, as well as my dirty little secret............ and I voted "yes" on the poll.
Originally posted by lwalden
<br />...I've set up a seperate checking account in order to conceal my illicit purchases (Dario, you'd better not try and back out on our deal for the desert ironwood)from my wife.


If only I have known sooner, package would have not left at noon yesterday LOL [}:)][:D][;)]. You should receive them anytime soon...could be today.

If she sees it...just tell her it is a gift from me...just make sure you are holding the freebies when you do [;)]. Kinda confess after the pens sold for major $$$$$.
Originally posted by blodal
<br />Maybe we need to start a PTA!

Pen Turners Anonymous! There may be others like Lyle.


I am not into buying wood or tools and sneaking them in the garage. [8)] Nope not me [}:)]. Who would do such thing? [:D][}:)]

For those who didn't get it...I am in DENIAL phase right now. And yes, I intentionally left the font yellow
Would there be any distinction in registering as a founding member? Maybe discounts for pen blanks from the duke of burl, Bill Baumbeck?
Originally posted by blodal
<br />Maybe we need to start a PTA!

Pen Turners Anonymous! There may be others like Lyle.
Guess I was in the negative. I personally do not have my last name spelled out on the net. I am very private about who and what gets it. I know I have used a few folks here and a few might know my last name but.... Its the same way as to why I am not in the phone book. I choose to pay the fee and I am not in there. However I believe its in the whitepages online but...

Anyhow.... Yes I voted no on this one.

Columbus OH
My two cents:

I would like to know the real names of my friends here at IAP. But I think requiring that information would be going too far. If one of my friends wants to be known by something other than his or her real name, it really makes little difference to me. I just happen to like calling people by name when I talk or post to them. I voted no because if requiring real names were to lose us even one member, that is one friend I would miss having.

Now, if we required real names to sign up, but those names would only be known to the site administrator unless the individual chose to make their name known, I would be good with that. Total annonimity breeds disrespect. So if you had to give your real information to sign up, and then could choose to go by a screen name after that, I think it would be enough keep people from acting on the computer how they would never act in person.

To me, IAP is a community of penturners. We're family. We depend on each other for help .... support ... and sometimes a friendly word of advice. IAP is a place where we learn a whole lot about each other ... from heartbreaking stories like Bruce's son losing his life in Iraq to inspiring stories like Billy's plan to adopt a 16 year old girl in need. In my opinion, sharing your name is a sign of trust. It's like shaking hands. Sometimes we kick each other's butt. Most of the time we take care of each other. We're IAP. We're family. Names are important.
Well, the vote is almost 2 to 1 in favor, but I don't think I'm going to make names a requirement, for the moment at least. I've got a couple of new tricks to weed out the spammer registrations, so I'll give those a try for a while.

Even though it's not now a requirement, <b>I still encourage you to add as much information to your profile as you're comfortable revealing.</b> Remember, only other members can see your profile, and we never reveal your email address to anyone without your permission.

Thanks for a nice, civil discussion on a somewhat controversial topic.
Originally posted by jeff
<br />
Even though it's not now a requirement, <b>I still encourage you to add as much information to your profile as you're comfortable revealing.</b> Remember, only other members can see your profile, and we never reveal your email address to anyone without your permission.


If I may suggest, please make a separate post about this so others may see it.
Originally posted by jeff
<br />

Thanks for a nice, civil discussion on a somewhat controversial topic.

I wanted to highlight this statement.

While it might be just a simple statement it also illustrates how far we have come in a short time. When I first read the poll I cringed and the first thought that ran through my mind (what little of it there is [:D]) was "I think Jeff just opened Pandora's box". I must say that I was wrong and I'm am really impressed with the way this thread unfolded.

I believe that we have matured as a society and I hope that this is a direction that we continue to move in.
I'm lately come to this discussion. I did not get to vote but I would have voted yes. I don't fear my name and address getting out. People need more than a name and address to commit identity fraud.
I like this site because the people feel like family. Anybody ever squabble with their brother or sister? Yeah, me too. Who would I really trust when my back is too the wall? Family. Same for this site.

Something to think about for all those who are so security conscious, when you go out to dinner, have you ever give your credit card to the waiter/waitress? That poses a much greater risk than a name and address posted here. Ever forwarded one of those "forward emails" to "everyone you know". You've just broadcast your email for everyone in the world to know.
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On a web site as this, anonymity allows persons who like to start trouble to "stirr the pot" easily. WHile these individuals are certainly in the minority, they can be problematic in keeping a web based forum following its original intended purpose, in this case to share information about pen-making. I have been on other web forums (not pen-making) where it has become a very distastefull place to visit, with all the nonsense and assaultive posts going on. In particular, political posts seem to be prone to getting out of hand. SOme forums ban any political posting, and that has made huge inroads towards keeping it civil. Other forums require real names, and that seems to work too( but requires close monitoring as well). Although I have only been here a short while, I have not seen any examples of such behavior here. Kudos to the membership, it has been a very nice place to visit.
Despite all the above reasons, I still do not favor requiring to use real names, as any search engine will pull up that name (and other associated info) for anyone desiring to seek information for less than honorable purposes. Why make it easy for this type of individual to gain information? I am in favor of keeping everything "as is" unless there becomes a real problem.
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