It just seems that when a discussion gets past a couple pages, it goes south fast and everyone is quick to jump on someones opinion and bash them.
All I'm saying, is maybe these types of threads, are what they are speaking of.
That has been happening on every forum in the world as long as there
have been forums. It's the nature of communication without contact.
One person says something, someone asks a question or makes a point a
little off to one side, and an answer comes back from the other side. A
comment gets made that is even further off to one side, an answer comes
back even further from the other side.
And so the pendulum swings.
Part of it is that the question or followup might give the impression that
there's a lack of understanding, so the reply might over-emphasize a
point. And someone might take that the wrong way and respond from
even further afield. And feelings get trampled.
Were the conversations to happen face to face .. or even via telephone,
most of the mis-communications would cease. Then again, the threads
would be shorter..
For the record, I don't think everything should just be handed to anyone
who asks for it.
Only to me.
And Neil is still out of my will. I figured out MY OWN 359 degree herringbone