Here's a picture of my two pens side by side. They won't fit into the Image Dome, so I had to improvise. The middle ring gets glued to the base in such an orientation that the splines look to continue from one part to the other.
Next up is a total redesign. A bunch of little stuff. I'll add a lot more weight to the base to make sure it stays in place as the pen is removed. I'll try a slightly wider base and a large 1" diameter bronze insert. If that's still not heavy enough, I'll probably have to go with tungsten, which is a bit more than twice as heavy. Changing the curve of the base will affect the splines slightly, so they will need to be dialed in again. I'll look into adding some kind of funneling type of plastic sleeve at the bottom of the hole in the base before the pen gets to the o-ring. Every now and again, the pen can catch on the o-ring. The funnel should prevent that. I'll lighten the upper barrel by switching to a wider diameter thread. Doing this means that the lower barrel will also have to be remade so the threads fit. At least I have a good start, and redoing all 3 pieces shouldn't be as bad the second time around.