Machine gun shoot

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I live between Chicago and "Skary Gary", Gary, Indiana. Gary was the murder apital of America for a while. It's not exactly a rural area. There are parts of this "wonderful" metropolitan area that I just don't go to, no matter what. Just being white and going there would get me robbed, beaten or even killed.
Well since this is staying civilized I will tag in I own several firearms. LOML and I are empty nesters and I keep some of them loaded. When my kids and grandkids are home I lock up all of the firearms. I have a drawer that has a lock from Rockler (like PN 98998) installed. If I need to I can rip the drawer open but every one will know. I also taught my daughter to shoot (she hates guns) and have taken my son in law out shooting (just a friendly reminder). My nephew comes to visit and I take him shooting. I let him shoot my shoot gun with a hair trigger (worked by a gunsmith) and he learned not to put his finger on the trigger until he wants to shoot. I have both hunter safety and LE type firearms training. I consider firearms training a must if you have firearms. If I screw up in the shop it hurts but if I screw up with a firearm it may be final. And yes I carry at times (mostly at night when I must go out). For all those who believe in self defense remember that on the average a justified shooting is going to cost you $50,000 in legal fees and that you will live the rest of your life knowing you took a life. Just something to think about before you have to use a firearm. BTW I have also received training on how to de-escalate situations and it is much more satisfying to talk someone down then to restrain them (personal and professional choice). Sorry if I am long winded.
I said I would not post to this topic again. I should have said I would not post to second amendment discussions.
Ron, I agree with most of what you said but why would it bother me to take a life of a person trying to take mine? A person does not always have time to talk to an armed intruder but using a firearm should be the last resort. Flee if you can, fight only if you have to. My first line of defence is a can of pepper spray which is good for bears or humans. I think everyone should carry a cell phone and a can of strong pepper spray. My list of firearms are:

AK47 7.62X39 Russian ( Being a Vietnam Vet I am fond of the AK47)
Saige 7.62X39 Russian
S&W Model 10 .38 Special
S&W model 39 9mm
North American Arms .22 pocket revolver
Remington 12ga shotgun. BBL cut to 18 1/4 inches for self defence.
Benelli 12ga shotgun 28 inch bbl for hunting
2 Tomahawks for fun...:)
As I said think about it before you have to use it be ready and shoot if you must. If the time comes to shoot you had better not stop to think, you better not stop to talk. Draw Fire 123 call the cops to contact the victims next of kin. If it isn't muscle memory leave the gun at home.
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