Lost A Sale but Will Never Lose My Pride

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What a difference two hundred years make. Faith in America and everything our flag stands for is being trodden underfoot by a new world order, a more enlightened people who want to help us lesser folks make the transition from the old days of wooden ships, muskets, and flags, to a multicultural world where all cultures and all values are equal. We are losing the values of our nation's founders and we need people to stand up like you did for the values that made this nation great. Thank you.
Freedom is not free. Never will be.
Thank you for standing up for the symbols of freedom AND thank you and your family for your service and most especially to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so I and others continue to enjoy the blessings of freedom.
The only reason I doubted myself is that from the time of the incident untill the VFW member came up to the booth noone would come near us.
It is not like I doubted what I did it was more about how I did it.

Gotcha. Glad the gent from the VFW stopped by and eased your, and likely others', minds.
Bravo! My thanks to you for showing respect, honor due family and country - and for sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty.
When I was young, there were a few fellow students who did not salute our flag or pledge their allegience. But they had enough respect for the rest of us USA students to at least stand quietly with us every morning.
Travis - I'm proud to call you a fellow North Dakotan and a true patriot. I am deeply sorry for your family losses and it's inspirational for you to take the stand you did. Some day I hope we can meet as I'm only a few miles down hwy 52 from you.
Travis, from an old USArmy Retiree: Thank you for sticking up for this country and it's Service Men and Women. We need more people like you... in our government... ever think about running for office?
Blessings to you. You'll end up making more in the long run, than anything that goofball could buy... because what goes around, comes around.
I salute you.
Anyone who does not respect the flag and servicemen that have served and are still serving in our armed forces, will never have any thing that you would need. He has no honor, class, or grace. It would be a shame for him to have been able to use one of your pens. You were right to send him on his way.
Congratulations for [1] Being respectful of those honored by the parade, [2] Your families service and for the loss of loved ones, [3] Telling this individual off ... I would have refused to sell to him even IF he had come bearing cash (I wouldn't need nor want his business ever!), and [4th] for not punching him out right then and there, why, because then he would have rights against you and you don't need to waste time and good money defending YOUR RIGHTS to refuse service to any individuals like him.

He was rude to your mother, your father AND the flag? ..and you worried about making the right choice? I hope he didn't "trip" and fall as you guided him away from your booth.
Don't second guess your great decision!
While a punch or kick would have felt good, I'm glad you held your temper down to straightforward words and not violence... two wrongs don't make a right. Plus, it sounds like this was the kind of person who would have levied assault charges on you had you done anything beyond giving him a tongue lashing.

Good for you. What you did shows a tremendous amount of honor for your country, forefathers, and parents. God will honor that with a lot more pen sales.
Thank you.

And as bad as I would have wanted to stomp him into the ground I always try to remind myself that I fight to protect the rights of even the selfish and ignorant.
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