I am sure that I am nowhere near the last who feels that just making "more" pens, however many variants that there are, is not that exciting. It isn't as if I don't have plenty of ideas or plans but I always relish a challenge. I have watched enough Utube videos to get an idea about what making kitless pens entails. I have a good selection of drill bits, and taps and dies. It would be helpful to know which sizes that I am most likely to need. Also, I am looking for a recommendation for a tailstock 2MT sliding die holder that works with the die sizes that I would need. I am not trying to make high end pens to sell. I am simply trying to satisfy my endless curiosity (a blessing and a curse
), and push myself to the limits of my ability in my remaining years. There are those who might say, "do you really know what you are getting into?", and they might be correct. I have never been one to shy away from a challenge until I master it, or until it masters me! All help is most gratefully received.