Looked better before it was turned.

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Alan Morrison

Jan 15, 2019
N Ireland
Process photographs. The end result may have been better using different timbers.
Comments valued. IMG_1065.jpgIMG_1066.jpgIMG_1067.jpgIMG_1072.JPG
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It's one of those things that you never know until you try it. Sometimes the outcome greatly exceeds the expectations and that makes all trials worth chasing! Even then, the failures (in the creator's mindset) are brilliant to others -> i.e. We become our own worst critics!

Personally, The design looks great to me!
I agree with Hank. I tried a couple of things; one was drilling holes in a wood blank and inserting pieces of dowel. Had gaps between dowel and blank.😢
Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before he invented the light bulb. Just think, if not for him, we would be watching TV by candlelight.
Usual caveat - it's glorious and far, far, far (far far far far) better than anything I'm doing.

That being said - I see what you are saying about different woods - maybe a black ebony on the 'border' to help it pop.
Also another thing I see is that, at least from the camera angle, a lot of the work you've done disappears in the curve of the finished blank and instead of the intricate flower/cross pattern (bottom right) you see what looks like a more typical 'sandwich' segment blank. (ie top/middle/bottom).

(far far far far... far.. better)
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