They get bigger sometimes; this is a 114# bluefin tuna.

What an interesting thread !!
Mark, thanks for taking the time to show us what you do.
Is the African Mahogany you use, Khaya variety ?
I am wondering, do you use it because of its properties that suit this purpose, or just because its available to you ?
I have a few tonnes of Khaya Mahogany slabbed up and drying in my shed for the last 12 years, it is a beautiful timber to work and to look at.
I have built some furniture for my house with it, and have many more projects to come.
I have looked at this section of the forum for while before posting my other passion which is making tackle boxes for long range fishermen. These boxes are on the water for many days a year under tough conditions. I have made 15 so far; here are a couple:
The last walnut one was made from a reclaimed king-sized headboard made from vintage American black walnut! By the way, my friend is sorta cheap in that he complained that I asked him for $120 (my cost) for the stainless tubes and marine hardware for this box!
The rest of them were usually from a single solid piece of hardwood and machined to create the boxes. I got into pen turning after making the dowels with a hand drill and hating it. Now, I have a lathe and do this in a civilized manner.
Man that's a lot of Tuna... my cats would be in heaven.Growing up in SoCal, I know about long range trips, always wanted to do one, but getting on the boat is one thing vs the thousands of dollars for tackle, reels, rods, etc.
Moved to Texas and I can drive to Louisiana and fish south of NOLA for a bit of the tackle costs. We caught a 200# Yellow Fin one day, still not close to the record, but have had a great time fishing the few times we have been there.
Nice job on the boxes, real nice work.
WoW! Amazing! Beautiful! You say you've made 15, how much would you charge someone to make one? I know I would be interested in purchasing one.