Long Range Tackle Box

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They get bigger sometimes; this is a 114# bluefin tuna.

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I share my love of hand made tackle boxes to give you an idea about how you might MAKE YOUR OWN. If I can do it, you can too.

My journey into tackle box construction started when a really skilled woodworker friend stated "It would be crazy to build a wooden tackle box". That was almost a decade ago. Most of the boxes I have constructed were built for friends and delivered to them for the cost of materials, but not supplies and certainly not labor. I have lost considerable money on this adventure, but I smile each time I make one. Yes, I have and will sell one to a non-friend, but several cabinet makers have judged that the time needed and material costs keep even those a gift of sorts. The sale of 5-6 boxes in ten years is NOT a viable business, but it helps to refine the tools I use, sharpens my woodworking skills and exercises my non-academic mind. After 40 years in science education and biomedical research, my brain needed to be rounded out.

I have posted both the completed boxes and a view at the steps in their construction to share my joy of working with wood as it relates to fishing. I fish only about 30 days a year and ringing hooks, reel service, jig construction and tackle box construction keep my brain thinking about fishing when not actually fishing.

If you thought my posting was a secret ad - you were wrong!
What an interesting thread !!
Mark, thanks for taking the time to show us what you do.

Is the African Mahogany you use, Khaya variety ?
I am wondering, do you use it because of its properties that suit this purpose, or just because its available to you ?

I have a few tonnes of Khaya Mahogany slabbed up and drying in my shed for the last 12 years, it is a beautiful timber to work and to look at.
I have built some furniture for my house with it, and have many more projects to come.
Amazing work! Well done. Just one observation, I didn't see a cup holder:). Congratulations. You should proud of your work.
Simply beautiful, and a great thread. And No, there was no hint of an advertisement. Now if it was a pen-turner's tool box...

Hmnnnn... Food for thought Mark!
What an interesting thread !!
Mark, thanks for taking the time to show us what you do.

Is the African Mahogany you use, Khaya variety ?
I am wondering, do you use it because of its properties that suit this purpose, or just because its available to you ?

I have a few tonnes of Khaya Mahogany slabbed up and drying in my shed for the last 12 years, it is a beautiful timber to work and to look at.
I have built some furniture for my house with it, and have many more projects to come.

I have found that quarter sawn African mahagony is the most stable wood with the least war page and many boats are fitted with mahagony interiors. It also comes in long 12' x wide 14"-16" widths which allows me to build a box from one board. One board may have different grain along its length,but I like the idea and the result. Woodworking gives me great pleasure whether it is a pen, box or cedar plug.
Another big box (#19) is nearly finished with many of the nail biting procedures done:
- Routing hinges
- Cutting top

It takes me about two months to both build AND enjoy making one.
Here is box 19 made for Rudy Scott of Carpenteria, CA. The wood is the darkest and has the wildest grain of any African mahogany I have worked with. I like it and he does too. The color is best viewed in bright daylight where it is amazing.




I have looked at this section of the forum for while before posting my other passion which is making tackle boxes for long range fishermen. These boxes are on the water for many days a year under tough conditions. I have made 15 so far; here are a couple:










The last walnut one was made from a reclaimed king-sized headboard made from vintage American black walnut! By the way, my friend is sorta cheap in that he complained that I asked him for $120 (my cost) for the stainless tubes and marine hardware for this box!

The rest of them were usually from a single solid piece of hardwood and machined to create the boxes. I got into pen turning after making the dowels with a hand drill and hating it. Now, I have a lathe and do this in a civilized manner.

Beautiful Work.:)
Growing up in SoCal, I know about long range trips, always wanted to do one, but getting on the boat is one thing vs the thousands of dollars for tackle, reels, rods, etc.
Moved to Texas and I can drive to Louisiana and fish south of NOLA for a bit of the tackle costs. We caught a 200# Yellow Fin one day, still not close to the record, but have had a great time fishing the few times we have been there.
Nice job on the boxes, real nice work.
Growing up in SoCal, I know about long range trips, always wanted to do one, but getting on the boat is one thing vs the thousands of dollars for tackle, reels, rods, etc.
Moved to Texas and I can drive to Louisiana and fish south of NOLA for a bit of the tackle costs. We caught a 200# Yellow Fin one day, still not close to the record, but have had a great time fishing the few times we have been there.
Nice job on the boxes, real nice work.
Man that's a lot of Tuna... my cats would be in heaven.
Here is a new box in production made using hard rock maple, a first for me. Most of the outer box will come from one board (shown cut down from a 12 foot long x 8.5" wide piece).

New wood

Planed, cut to size and resting with stickers under weights


Sides routed and shelves installed. The back and upper large shelf panels resting at the bottom


The case assembled, clamped and squared up



The case after the grooves have been filled and leveled


Nice view of my feet and a case with the back installed and the upper large shelf. I like clamps, and specially Bessey clamps.

The top and bottom front pieces in place


Sample trays to test the fit, but will not live here.


The door and lower front are mortised for the stainless steel piano hinge


Clamping the lower front after the mortise was routed


The hinge has screws now and a first sanding has made it look like it should, but much more work is yet to be done


The side looks better

The top and side


Next steps, routing the box to round the edges, cut the top and at least two days of sanding...
Hard Maple Tackle Box Construction

After a visit to the router a rounded profile is started



A couple of somewhat scarey steps were completed before this photo: cutting the top and routing the upper hinge mortise, whew!


The rod holder supports are just sitting on the box at this point as an exact position is determined


At this point the tubes themselves need some love. In the first photo it shows two factory finish tubes and one that has been smoothed.


Now two


Wooden supports have been attached (screwed, glued and clamped) and the stainless steel tubes have been installed temporarily for alignment




The handles are next and several days of sanding
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Handles and final touches

Essentially the box is constructed with the addition of the handles, tray spacers and special feet to prevent tipping of the box when loaded with rods/reels.






At this point I can't wait to apply the "wipe on" spar varnish finish, but a couple of days of thorough sanding is needed first.
Ahhhh finally some finish on this box.


The small magnets and their mating striker plates help keep the door shut even if the hasps are not engaged; this happens during a hot bite of fish.

The door has inlaid strips 90 degrees from the grain to help reduce warping. I liked this piece of the board and saved it for this location. I also made a matching door from more boring plain hard maple, but it did not make the cut. It will be delivered as a spare in case it is needed.

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The finished box







It is great when a project like this is completed and you get to feel that finish and watch the reflections. The hard maple is both a blessing and a curse to work with. Freshly cut wood is like a knife and cuts hands quite nicely; I had to learn to slow down until th edges were softened. The stuff smooths out very well, but shows even the tiniest surface imperfection like ebony. I admit to adding a figured piece to the reinforced door rather than another blond maple piece.
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During the finishing stage I managed several light tackle box work days. I used my time wisely and made eight Sierra style acrylic pens as a reward.
A new very customized tackle box

A new very customized fishing tackle box was finished today. I admit to being slow when I make these, especially when almost everything is unique on this tackle box. The customer requested removable rod holders, a solid top, special stainless steel handles and a larger than normal tray at the top. It takes me about two months to build one, but I never rush. Here is how it turned out.





A new long range tackle box

I have another box in the works. Oddly, the last three have been highly customized. This customer was beyond generous to get it his way. Remind me to never take on a big job while unpacking my shop and setting it up.


Cut, plane and sticker with weights

Bandsaw cuts

Route and sand on the spindle sander

Glue up many panels

Glue in the new refined shelves

Make a case and make it square

Add the back and yes I still need more clamps

I used 30 size 0 biscuits to help the box stay solid. A large, heavy man could stand on it all day!

Clean out every trace of glue you can find

Glue up the biggest door I have made. I used several techniques to try to keep it flat.

Add the top front, bottom front and door

Mortise the hinge was completed, but only eagle eyes will see the mortise

Time to go fishing. Check out the posts from RoyalStarSportfishing from 6/25-7/3 to see how we did. Yellowfin tuna and bluefin tuna are likely.

The boat caught this one yesterday
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Still working on it?

I love see this thread pop up in my email... you take great photos of amazing boxes and the progress shots are interesting!

I am positive a made more money sweeping the floor and scooping ice cream at Thrifty (now RiteAid for you youngins), but I love making these tackle boxes. Some steps take me a day to get up my courage. Like cutting the whole box after making it to form the top. Whew, glad this guy asked for no top.

More photos as it progresses.

I will sell many pens too soon. I was recently accepted into the Tehachapi Valley Arts Association and they have a very nice store presence in town across the street from the famous depot. I am happy they will allow me to display in a premium, well lit glass case close to the register. I am excited to sell pens, shave brushes, cedar plug lures, wine cork trivets, cutting boards and small tackle boxes.

I made it!
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Moving ahead

Last giant hurdle is in the rear view mirror, attaching and fitting the door. A first sanding has also been completed and it now looks like I know what I am doing. The joints are tight and flush. This big door went together well and some routing to round out the corners will follow.


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More work and the end is in sight...

Tubes and their support were my focus of late. I buy the stainless steel tubes from Online Metals through EBay. They sell 12" 1.75" OD tubes, but they arrive rough after bandsaw cutting.


I made a mandrel to make them pretty on my lathe.

I run through all of my sandpaper grits from 80-400 to achieve a nice brushed stainless effect.

They are supported by "ears" which also serve as an attachment for the integral handles.

After some fitting using sandpaper, I glue and screw them onto the sides of the box.


A few more items and on the a couple of days of sanding before finish.
I am am always amazed at how many different tools are required or useful to make one of these boxes. Some of my tools are smaller (cheaper*) versions of real power tools, but they come through each time. I used each of these tools one or more times:

Table saw
Spindle sander*
Palm sander
Hand plane
Drills cordless
Biscuit joiner
Vix bit
Zillions of clamps
Drill press*
Dremel tool
Various measuring tools
Blue tape
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Two a days to catch up

Double duty day with good results

Side rocket launcher/rod tubes attached and rear removable ones built and dry fit. They will be attached with stainless t nuts and machine screws. Four screws on or off.


Magnets anyone?

The back rod holder was attached as I thought. I hate t-nuts or at least stainless steel t-nuts.


I use rare earth magnets and steel cups for quick closure during a hot bite where yiu forget to engage the hasps.



(Yes,I'll blow out the dust)

Just get the door close and it snaps closed.
Yes, I can turn stuff too

Each box has two support structures to hold line pullers. These items are best made in the lathe. At first, I paid a person at Woodcraft to turn these, since they had to come from the same board (IMO). That was then and these were made in minutes in house.




Some rounding is needed before they get attached to the box.

A friend traded me his well-used line pullers for a new set. Each groove would have been a cut in his finger.


Here is what a puller support looks like on a beautiful African mahogany box.
The real color of the African Mahogany Appears

After a 12 hour day the box has one coat of sanding sealer.


WoW! Amazing! Beautiful! You say you've made 15, how much would you charge someone to make one? I know I would be interested in purchasing one.
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I will never get rich at this

WoW! Amazing! Beautiful! You say you've made 15, how much would you charge someone to make one? I know I would be interested in purchasing one.

For this one I asked $1,000 and was given $1,250 to my surprise. I have worked to make up the difference. Color me happy.
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