LOCATION: a pet peeve

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Proud Pappa-

It COULD be worse, You COULD live in a DISTRICT!!! With nothing but POLITICIANS!!!

Now, doesn't your Commonwealth look BETTER by comparison???????

Since IAP alllows OPEN membership, we will continue to allow YOU and the Aussies to participate!!! After all, we allow DCBluesman to continue to use DC, even though he is actually in YOUR COMMONWEALTH!!!

BTW, all those communicating about my outstanding achievements, feel free to do it in public. Good press never HURT ME!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
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Ed -

By the grace of the Almighty, We (note the capitalization) were Chosen (again, note the capitalization) to inhabit Commonwealths and not mere states, districts, provinces, territories or even principalities.
I trust the capitalized "We" is the "Royal We".

This would mean you must be, in reality, the QUEEN!!!

Pretty clever using the alias "Michael" and moving to the US - they'll never notice you here!!!

Probably hiding from the Aussie and Canadian province-dwellers.
Canadians live in states.
Australians live in states, althought some live in the Australian Capital Territory where our capital of Canberra is located. This territory is populated by politicians, lobbyists and other assorted grubs.
See Ed, you are learning more with each post.:D[:X][:X]
Trade you OUR grubs for YOUR grubs, for a couple years.

Everybody will get a better understanding of politics!!
Originally posted by R2

Australians live in states, althought some live in the Australian Capital Territory where our capital of Canberra is located.

R2 -

When did the Northern Territory become a state? Or, are its inhabitants not Australians?
Originally posted by Proud_Poppa_of_2

I frequently am confused with royalty, as in "royal pain in the a#!". But, I am no queen. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

[:eek:)][:eek:)][:eek:)]I'm not so sure about that. This is a pretty liberal forum but not this extreme.[:eek:)]

Four and a quarter HOURS. MUCH LONGER than I expected!!

(Proud P: There was NO right way to answer that one!!)
Poppa - touche'!!
It is acyuall y not so many years ago that Territorions of any kind were given fulla nd equal voting rights in that they could elect their own senators.
Originally posted by R2

...The fact that the Queen is our Titular head of state ...

Maybe I didn't notice, has someone already made the dumbhead, jokey comment? I mean, c'mon! That's low-hanging fruit if I ever saw it!

How do they come up with these words, honestly!?

I got about 17 things that are just dying to be said.


I know, it's childish. You guys are really discussing some serious issues here, but ... you know ...


I don't even know what that means, but for crying out loud, how can you read that and not snicker? For those that can, I declare you officially without humor. Not even a healthy fart could shake your demeanor.

Holy hell. How did I ever make it through civics? [:p]
ROTFLMAO:D:D:D:D Funniest thing I've read in a long time. I can just hear it in Karl's best Monty Python voice.

Originally posted by karlkuehn

I know, it's childish. You guys are really discussing some serious issues here, but ... you know ...


That was a good one.
Originally posted by DCBluesman

I was thinking more "Beavis and Butthead". [8D]

Shut up, Beavis! *slap* [:p]

That's actually more the spirit that I posted in, but you can never go wrong being compared to Monty!

Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time-uh!
OMG, Poppa, I nearly had a stroke trying to read the "fine print" font. [}:)][:p] And let me just say that my English professor would have loved this. It reminds me of my earlier ramblings, er, I mean writings. He used to tell me, "Billy, you have a propensity for verbosity." The first few paragraphs seemed to do little but praise Ed for his accomplishments and Lord knows he doesn't need his head swelled any larger. Recall the mug w/a mug shot if you will. ;) All you really needed to say was...

Originally posted by Proud_Poppa_of_2

Ed - ...

Of course, I understand that you are from the great state of Wisconsin, and for Wisconsinites, the concept of “state†is meaningful. The same holds true for Texans, Floridians, Ohioans, Arkansans, Utahans, Californians and residents of 39 other states. But, that concept is not necessarily meaningful for residents of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and, for folk like me, residents of Virginia. The reason being, we are not residents of “states.†Rather, WE ARE RESIDENTS OF FREAKIN’ COMMONWEALTHS.

Again, it’s just a small thing. A very small thing.

Though I'm not completely convinced the Ed understands it. I mean, he fixes copiers for crying out loud. And me thinks that's why so few commented on your retort, humorous and well worded as it was... [:eek:)]

Oh, and for what it's worth, Ed, I agree with the sentiment of the original post.
No, no, no Billy. Ed doesn't FIX copiers. He employs someone with that talent. Ed just owns the copier business! How much talent (or knowledge) does it take to own something?
Billy -

I agree with you. I think it was lost entirely on Ed. Went straight over his head. It shouldn't surprise us, though. PR fumes can do that to a person, so I'm told.
First time I have looked at this thread. Sadly, it went way astray. My opinion is that state should be listed with name on all posts. I would also favor ditching 'handles' and using only real names. Surprising how gentlemanly some folks can get when not hiding behind nicknames.
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