Just wanted to be the 1st and 200th. reply to this post!:biggrin::wink:
At this time nothing is added for any costs such as customs, duties or
higher than expected shipping costs. I am estimating shipping costs based
on $10.00 per kg or about $5.00 per lb. this would be consistent with.
other purchases I have made from overseas from two different suppliers.
It is definitely a different world.Your perseverance is quite commendable in this purchase. Personally, I've only purchased a few items on ebay from HongKong and a few dozen IT8 calibration targets from Faust in Germany. Not sure I would have had the cohonas to deal with an Indian company!
It is definitely a different world.
I just completed a buy for buffalo horn from an Indian company. There were two or three moments when I had the sinking suspicion that I had just gotten totally screwed, but it all worked out in the end.
Like Daniel posted, the initial buy worked out a bunch of little hickups that I wouldn't even have imagined, but now that those have been resolved, future orders will not be that big of a deal.
Email all the info to me and I will see what I can find out about them for you. As I have said before, a personal visit can make all the difference in the world sometimes.Well here is the latest.
I am not sure I can explane this clearly but will give it a shot. From the beginning I have told the supplier that I can make payment by Pay Pal or Western Union, and that I prefer Pay Pal as it secures both the payment and the delivery of the cases.
The supplier has continually tried to get me to make payment by bank transfer. I have not been comfortable with making payment this way for several reasons. One I do nto know if I have any recourse if I do not receive the cases. Two I have never done it before, and three I do not like group buy money going into my personal bank account.
The suppler supposidly located an importer in New York that I can serve as a go between. I was supposed to be able to make payment to the importer and they would take delivery of the cases in New York and then ship them on to me. As it turns out this so called "Importer" is anything but. I received an e-mail from sansari100(A)gmail.com that is a simple list of the items being shipped with a total owed and a bank account to transfer the money to in New York. I am not sure just what makes them think i will suddenly do a Bank transfer just because the bank is in a different place. and the importer is not likely to even be a business owner much less a liscensed importer.
If anyone has any suggestions about how to go about making payment through bank transfer and still keep the payment tied to delivery of the goods please speak up. I have always relied on pay pal for this part fo the transaction so I am a bit lost as to options. thanks
Email all the info to me and I will see what I can find out about them for you. As I have said before, a personal visit can make all the difference in the world sometimes.
Why not just use the free Priority Mail boxes from the PO?...I am doing everything I can to eliminate casts such as scrounging up boxes to mail cases in etc. ...
The big cases don't fit in them, and Daniel's PO is not convenient.
USPS has a variety of free boxes, including large ones, that they will deliver to your door. USPS will also pick up from the household for free. Your governement at work!
It doesn't have to be a FR box. There are several Priority boxes available that postage depends on weight and distance mailed. And, as already pointed out, you can go online at https://shop.usps.com/webapp/wcs/st...p_category=10000002&langId=-1&catalogId=10001Cost factor is involved, why spend 15.00 when you can mail them for 7.50. the Post Office will still pick them up since he'll use click and ship
I just check my first post in this thread and realized it has only been 5 months since this buy began. Feels a lot longer than that.
Thank you all for your trust and patience. i am happy to say that it has not been for nothing. Neil now has the rest of the pen cases in his possession. He needs to repack them to ship them on to Reno but as far as I am concerned the worst is over for this buy. I know Neil will do his best but he is also a busy fella. I am expecting at least a week for the cases to get to me and that is if Neil is able to find boxes without much problem. I hope my next update is to say that the orders have been shipped.