Lathe tool rest

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Jul 9, 2021
Waynesboro, VA
I am needing to replace my Turncraft commanders tool rest. There is a small divet from when I was learning to turn and is starting to effect my pen blanks. Looking for advise on a replacement. I know that it's post is 5/8ths of an inch. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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As @Mr Vic pointed out, you can take an ordinary file and smooth out your tool rest. I did that with a similar cast iron tool rest for a while. When I got tired of filing the dings out of my tool rest, I bought a couple of Rockler's tool rests, and I like them.

That said, I wish I had known about Rick Herrell's tool rests at the time I bought the Rockler ones. I would have bought from Rick instead of Rockler. The Rockler tool rests have a hard steel rounded (wire type) top, but I like Rick's designs better.

Whatever you buy, be sure that the post fits your lathe. Very sure. Some tool rest posts come close to fitting a given lathe, but don't.
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