I reviewed this thread, and as suggested, I was able to test the unit without installing it on my lathe. 2 connectors from the motor to the controller. (And I got an opinion from Magicbob that the motor will be fine in Aussieland).
Sigh... I have the same issues that Duncsuss described:
- The forward/reverse button is very "fussy." I say that because sometimes it changed from forward to reverse on a single push; sometimes it would revert right back to forward; and if you held the button down it usually tracks back and forth.
So, I'll be giving customer support a call tomorrow.
George - This is not an inconvenience, so don't fret!
I'll be back.
Oh no...!:frown: but realistically, what were my chances to get one that works as it should...?
Yes, I was afraid this would happen and I'm starting to worry as I really hate to think that I'm being a pain in the a$$ to anyone, particularly to such a special friend such as yourself.
I have to seriously consider of how far I will want to go with this issue, what I mean is, I like to learn from others experiences and in this case, I have Duncan that is going through this very issue (controller problems of the Nova Upgrade), what am I learning from it..?
Well, lots of things, one is that the unit as a set has a problem and its solution from Teknatool is not to be trusted, as they keep sending replacements that have also problems, even if different ones.
Secondly, I have to agree with Peter from Australia on his recent post, and accept that Duncan tests and your test on the unit I asked you to order for me, are not as reliable as to what it will do when plugged to 240V, I have to accept that, as much as I would like this to be a simple thing and without such risks, I would be silly and totally irresponsible not to consider my options, and maybe try to minimise the pain of failure.
I cannot find a single person in Australia that has this upgrade all those I saw, read/saw about were in the USA, the issue of turning the lathe like mine into a variable speed has been discussed dozens of times as far as 2004 in Aussie forums and none have purchased the upgrade because they are not available in Australia, a few that went ahead, have had opted for a new 3 phase motor and a VFD controller to match, I have spent some extra time lately to find anyone in Australia that had one of these upgrades from Nova but, absolutely 0 results.
I have to ask myself, why are these units made in New Zealand and not a single Teknatool distributor wants to have them in stock here in Australia and charge at least AU$1,500 to have one sent but, and as they did with me, they deliberately take a long time to reply to my request, and give the impression that they are not really interested in getting it for you.
In the beginning, I wondered about that but now, I start to understand why...!
So Mark, what are we going to do..?, give the idea one more chance and have the controller replaced after you have the chance to talk to the people Duncan mentioned, wait for the replacement, test it and if not right, send the thing all back for a full refund or now, that we have a defaulted part/unit use that to send it back for full refund..? What do you think Mark..?
I go even further and request that those/all that have been following my Nova upgrade thread, think is the better action to take...?
Let me know, I'm a little lost...!