"KIT" use

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How many "kits" do you purchase at a time?

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I buy about 10 at a time in low cost kits. I will buy 1-4 on high end kits. I used to buy more but it is a lot of cash to tie up for months. I am low on other stuff and i just buy a little at a time as i need it.
It may not be a good way to run a barber shop, but my pen book is for display, I do all custom orders, since I don't sit at craft shows or any other venue. So when I get an order, I usually buy 2-3 of the kits that the customer wants. So far it has worked for me.
My last purchase was five kits, normally order in groups of ten, have ordered as many as thirty kits at one time. I like to stay in the five or ten kit order range. I tend to lose things.
I think the most I ever purchased at once for myself was pushing 50, but that was when two custom orders came together at the same time, and I added some other stuff since the quantities were high enough to drive the costs down.
multiples of 10

Why did I ask? To establish "discount points" that cater to the customer.

"Industry standard" has been 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100.

I wondered why.

?ED, Speaking from the standard of slimlines - multiples of 10 because the vendors we buy from pack them in packages of 10 to ship to us unless we pay extra to get them packed in some other quantity.

Because 20/30/40/50/60/70 slimlines all ship for the same flat rate each 10 you add drives the per unit cost down even if you don't lower your price.

For big sellers using pick & pack personell it doesn't take much more time to grab 50 or an item than to grab 10.
You're probably "spot on" Smitty!!

But our goal at Exotics is to make the customer's life easier. :confused::confused::confused:Even if it makes OUR life a little harder. :eek::eek:

On a good day, I can open a bag of ten :eek::eek:and pull just what the customer wants!!! And I still have a lot of GOOD days!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

We'll never KNOW what they want, unless we ask---I learn that lesson better every day.
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