The second revision we see on this kit over the Gent Jr's is this. When you swap out the front end section from rollerball to fountain pen the SPRING in the end cap under classic conditions MUST BE REMOVED, however this kit does *NOT*. The end cap is recesses to allow clearance for the international standard converter cartridges to safely be use with out causing an ink dump. This also does not impair rollerball function (contrary to many beliefs the spring is not needed for proper rollerball operations)
Why is the spring not needed? One of the main differences between a RB and a regular ballpoint is the cushioning of the refill which makes the RB much more comfortable to use.
I wonder if Skoda got Rolls Royce to make their cars if they would still badge them as Skoda's.......
It is common knowledge that the IPG wording is a joke, does this now mean that on these kits there is actually some truth to it?
Will the resellers of these kits now use the fact that a reknown nib manufacturer such as JoWo actually made the nibs and therefore they are now better quality, or will they simply keep quiet because they are still made to the same spec and JoWo will make nibs for anyone and stamp any old crap on them?
Sorry but if it says Poo on the label, why would anyone believe otherwise?
The difference in roller ball vs ball point is this:
Rollerball is water based or gelled ink. The color saturation is higher.
Ball point is oil based ink. Viscosity of the ink is thicker.
At no point does a spring come into play for functionality until you get into kits. If you went to a stationary store and bought an off the shelf rollerball it would likely not have a spring behind the cartridge. The reason that kits have springs is for the fudge factor on the tube length, meaning if you over trimmed the spring would compensate. What makes rollerballs write smoother than ballpoints is less pressure needed, better saturation and more clear marks made. It is not the spring that does this but the science behind the cartridge.
As for the poo comment I would need you to elaborate more on this as I am not sure what you are on about. But on the IPG topic that is also something that you need to elaborate on as I am not sure what you are referencing.