It will be BOCK

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Alan,as with anything not every nib will be perfect right out of the box and might need minor tuning. The nibs that are giving you a problem should write well just need a minor tune. Do you have a loop or small magnifying glass? If so look at the nib straight on making sure both tines are perfectly lined up., that the nib sits on the feed equal on both sides of the wings. That the slit from the from the gulp hole to the tip tapers and is not too wide (allowing the ink to flood). ?In the library Lou has a write up called you can tune a nib but you can't tune a tuna or something like that, it will give some basics. Remember all nibs are thin pieces of metal and during handling stuff happens it's just the nibs from companies like Bock,JoWo and a few other small manufactures in Germany are just made with much closer tolerances and are smoother plated giving a much better flow to begin with.

Thanks Roy, the information does help some on the history.

I have some Heritage nibs I got from Exotic blanks and have some trouble with one or two of them, so I'm still trying to figure out why one upgrade nib works better than another.
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I have found the tine alignment to be very good with the Heritance nibs so that they write smooth, but the tines tend to be too tight (too close together), and need to be opened up just a little bit in order to allow proper ink flow. Lou shows how to do this in one of his nib tweaking library articles in the library. There are actually several ways to go about this. One is bending the wings out away from the feed, as Lou explains in the article. Another way is by spreading the tines a bit by applying pressure on them from the underside, then going in with a thin brass shim to force them apart. A wealth of information about nib tuning can be found here here:

Come over some time and we can work on some of your recalcitrant nibs.

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I've only had a couple of IPG nibs I couldn't get to write decently. And those were because the points were poorly welded on. None of my Heritance nibs have had issues, though they always write better after a little use. I pre-write my personal nibs on some micromesh. Makes a world of difference, and I recommend the same (using brown paper bags, since few have micromesh handy) to my customers. They frequently tell me how wonderfully they write once they do that.
I have found that a given nib feed and section sometimes just don't want to work together well. Usually changing any one of the 3 components will take care of the problem unless there is some obvious problem with something. I mix and match nib components all the time and eventually get a combination that will work out of just about all of them. A little tweaking, tuning and polishing and even most kit nibs will write reasonably well. Some are outstanding.

I can't wait to see how these pan out, as the name brand nib has been the missing link for our pens for some time. The Heritance steelflex nibs are nice, but nothing sells like a known name for some folks.
Just got back from the bank, the wire transfer went out a little over an hour ago. I've also been informed that Bock will be shut down fron Aud. 8th. thru the 26th. for Holiday and my shipment should go out the last week in Aug. first week of September. I hope to also have my new site up and running by the time they arrive.
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Just got back from the bank, the wire transfer went out a little over an hour ago. I've also been informed that Bock will be shut down fron Aud. 8th. thru the 26th. for Holiday and my shipment should go out the last week in Aug. first week of September. I hope to also have my new site up and running by the time they arrive.

Man, what kind of holiday do those crazy Germans celebrate!?!?
Just got back from the bank, the wire transfer went out a little over an hour ago. I've also been informed that Bock will be shut down fron Aud. 8th. thru the 26th. for Holiday and my shipment should go out the last week in Aug. first week of September. I hope to also have my new site up and running by the time they arrive.
Looks like someone else has that domain name.
Just got back from the bank, the wire transfer went out a little over an hour ago. I've also been informed that Bock will be shut down fron Aud. 8th. thru the 26th. for Holiday and my shipment should go out the last week in Aug. first week of September. I hope to also have my new site up and running by the time they arrive.

Man, what kind of holiday do those crazy Germans celebrate!?!?

Most of Europe takes August off for Holiday.
Just got back from the bank, the wire transfer went out a little over an hour ago. I've also been informed that Bock will be shut down fron Aud. 8th. thru the 26th. for Holiday and my shipment should go out the last week in Aug. first week of September. I hope to also have my new site up and running by the time they arrive.
Looks like someone else has that domain name.

Sorry Bruce, I added the s at the end by accident. It should be now I know there is a classic with an s at the end.
Looks like i'll have to sell some pens at my first show. Can't wait for the new nibs:)

could it be the "s" in "nibs"?

Just got back from the bank, the wire transfer went out a little over an hour ago. I've also been informed that Bock will be shut down fron Aud. 8th. thru the 26th. for Holiday and my shipment should go out the last week in Aug. first week of September. I hope to also have my new site up and running by the time they arrive.
Looks like someone else has that domain name.
Roy, I've been away from the forum and haven't fired up the lathe in a couple of months, due to the heat, family, life, work, etc., etc. First day back on the forum and I run across this.

This is great news! Thanks so much for jumping in and doing this. I'll be placing an order with you. Oh yeah, Any chance you might put together a "sample pack" with one each of M, F, and XF? Just a thought.

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