Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />I love debates like this! If all of the lurkers posted their thoughts, we'd probably have 437 different solutions for the issue of taxation. Fortunately, that would let ever member of the House of Representatives vote for a different bill.
The issue of taxation is really not so much about the revenue side as it is about the spending side. Even with our relatively high taxes, we still have a deficit. That translates into we the people asking our government to spend money that we are not ready to contribute. Each of us will argue with some part of the spending and defend other parts. There really isn't a plurality on most of the spending issues, just a series of compromises.
Tree huggers think big business should carry more of the burden since polution and destruction is viewed as being caused by big business. The poor want to tax the rich, saying that their fortunes are made from the sweat of the less fortunate. Republicans want Democrats to pay. Liberals want conservatives to pay. Nationalists want to stop foreign aid. From every home, a self-indulgent cry is issued. "Save MY programs and cut the OTHER GUY'S programs...and give me my tax money back."
If it were really as simple as "just tax everyone the same percentage", don't you think some Presidential candidate would do this? And if it were thought to be workable, wouldn't that make a Congressman or Senator re-electable for life?
As for the "progressive" tax rates, that is a misnomer. Our tax rates are progressive within very specific ranges of income....TAXABLE income. And that's another complaint. Two taxpayers earn the same amount of income from the same job. One takes out a loan for a mortgage, the other opts to rent. The mortgage owner gets to reduce his taxable income for interest and property taxes. The renter gets no break. Some see this as the rich getting richer through ownership, albeit subsidized, of real property that appreciates. Should the government subsidize one taxpayer's investment?
Over the next 2-1/2 months there will be thousands of articles written on this subject. Read, digest and think about them, trying not to let your bias cloud your intellect. Reflect on the "other guy's" side of the issues. There IS an answer out there, but it does not lie in any one person's view. It will come through a series of reasonable discussions and compromises by by representatives of all walks of life. At least that's the way it is suppose to work in a representative-based government.
Tax Freedom Day is May 11 this year. Until then, you are working to pay your municipal and Federal taxes.