The people have spoken. Number 10 is the favorite although many, if not most of you would llike to see a ballpoint and/or rollerball incorporated into the background instead of just fountain pens. The winning design was submitted by Terredax. I'll contact him and see if the background can be changed (or he can just let us know here).
The creators of the remaining designs are:
#1 Gimpy
#2 mbroberg
#4 Dalecamino
#5 Dalecamino
#6 Terredax
#7 Dalecamino
#8 Jimm1
#9 Terredax
#10 Terredax
#11 RandyWA
We are well on our way folks. I'll keep you posted as to the progress. Again, Thank You for participating with either a design, a vote or both!